2021-04-05 00:36:41
摘 要
关键词: 空载变压器;截流过电压;ATP/EMTP;限制措施
Power transformers are a vital part of the power system, and their operating conditions directly affect the stable and safe operation of the entire power system. At present, as the power grid is complicated, the voltage level is also developing toward the UHV, and the transformer overvoltage threat cannot be underestimated. Some circuit breakers or disconnectors in the power system may cause interception when the no-load transformer is disconnected, so that the inductive load such as the no-load transformer has a high induction frequency and a large amplitude overvoltage. In recent years, some power plants have caused the event of damage to the main transformer. Therefore, this paper has carried out related research and summary based on such overvoltage.
By analyzing the principle of cutting the overvoltage of the no-load transformer, several factors affecting the amplitude of the over-voltage of the cut-off transformer are summarized, such as the phase of the opening, whether the reignition occurs, the size of the inlet capacitor and the transformer parameters. Cutting the overvoltage of the no-load transformer is mainly due to the interception of the circuit breaker. In this paper, the ATP-EMTP electromagnetic transient analysis program is used to simulate the above factors affecting overvoltage. The simulation results show that the cutoff value has the greatest influence on overvoltage, followed by the size of the inlet capacitor. Therefore, the measures to limit the overvoltage are considered to reduce the cutoff value and increase the inlet capacitance. Based on this, several measures to limit such overvoltage are proposed and simulated in the ATP program.
By analyzing the simulation results, it is finally concluded that the addition of an RC absorber is the most effective measure to limit such overvoltage. At the same time, the addition of a trip resistor and a metal oxide arrester can also limit such overvoltage.
Key Words: No load transformer; Cut-off overvoltage; ATP/EMTP; Restrictions
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2切空变过电压产生原因及危害 1
1.3切空载变压器过电压研究综述 2
1.4本文的结构和主要工作 4
第2章 切空变过电压的基本原理 5
2.1切空变过电压形成的物理过程 5
2.2影响过电压幅值的因素 6
2.3切空变过电压的计算方法 8
2.4本章小结 10
第3章 切空载变压器过电压仿真计算 11
3.1仿真软件 11
3.1.1 ATP-EMTP发展简史 11
3.1.2 EMTP的功能 12
3.1.3 EMTP的发展前景 12
3.2仿真参数模型及参数选取 12
3.3不同情况下切空变的仿真 13
3.3.1不同分闸相位对过电压倍数的影响 13
3.3.2不同入口电容对过电压倍数的影响 16
3.3.3重燃对过电压倍数的影响 18
3.4本章小结 20
第4章 限制过电压倍数的措施 21
4.1采用分闸电阻限制过电压 21
4.2采用阻容吸收装置保护 22
4.3采用避雷器保护 24
4.4本章小结 25
结论 26
参考文献 27
致谢 31
第1章 绪论
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