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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-04-05 00:36:18  

摘 要







With the development of science and technology in our country, long-wave communication has been paid more and more attention. In this paper, the dielectric loss at the end of the long-wave communication antenna is analyzed theoretically, and the temperature rise at the end of the antenna is simulated.

After summarizing the general numerical analysis methods of temperature rise at home and abroad, the temperature rise at the end of antenna under various operating conditions is simulated by finite element analysis simulation software, fully considering the influence of various factors, so that the temperature rise at the end of long-wave communication antenna due to dielectric loss under different voltage, frequency, material and ambient temperature can be obtained comprehensively. The results provide guidance for antenna selection.

The theoretical analysis shows that the heating power is proportional to the tangent of the loss angle, the square of the electric field strength and the frequency of the material. In addition, the influence of ambient temperature and heat dissipation should be taken into account in operation.

Finally, the simulation results show that polyethylene is a good insulating sheath material. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is generally not used for heating due to the large loss angle of the medium. High operating voltage, high frequency, high ambient temperature and long continuous working time can all lead to significant temperature rise at the end of high power antenna, and thermal fuse may occur in severe cases. Some suggestions for operation and maintenance of long-wave communication antenna are also given in this paper.

Key words: dielectric loss; finite element analysis; electromagnetic field; Long wave antenna

目 录

第1章 绪论 5

1.1 研究背景、目的、意义 5

1.2 国内外研究现状 6

1.3 本文主要内容介绍 9

第2章 长波通信天线模型介绍 11

2.1 天线介质损耗机理 11

2.2 有限元分析及软件介绍 13

2.3 天线模型与仿真 14

第3章 天线末端温升数值分析 18

3.1 天线末端电场强度分析 18

3.2 不同外护套材料对温升数值的影响 18

3.2.1 不同介电常数对场强的影响 18

3.2.2 不同材料的温升情况 19

3.3 不同电压对温升数值的影响 21

3.3.1 不同电压下温升曲线 21

3.3.2 温升数值与电压变化关系 22

3.4不同频率对温升数值影响 23

3.5不同环境温度下温度变化模拟 24

第4章 结论 26

参考文献 28

致谢 30

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景、目的、意义

电磁波的波长与频率成反比。在无线电通信领域中,生活中常见的手机信号、收音机信号属于短波信号,此类信号频率高,波长短。短波通信电台造价相对较低。长波通信(long-wave communication),也称低频(LF)通信,是指把利用波长长于1000m(频率低于300KHz)的电磁波进行通信。长波通信根据波段可以详细分为在长波(波长10~1000m),甚长波(10km~100km),超长波(1000km~10000km)和极长波(1~10万公里)。



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