2021-04-03 19:12:13
摘 要
With the development of energy shortage and environmental pollution, new energy source such as solar energy, wind energy has attracted more and more attention. Due to the existence of noise and other issues, wind energy is only suitable for setting in more remote, less populated areas, and from the realization of the economic point of view, the wind source can achieve the effect of utilization only through large-scale investment. Solar energy with its extensive distribution, energy infinity, the use of security and cleanliness attracts people of all ages. As the key equipment to connect the power grid,the performance of three-phase grid-connected inverter directly determines the efficiency and quality of power supply. And the grid-connected control technology is especially important. In this paper, the control strategy of this filed is studied and the control software is designed, the main contents are as follows:
Based on the three-phase full-bridge inverter ,the three-phase grid inverter control strategy was analyzed and designed, including the analysis of the space vector pulse width modulation and the design of current PI control strategy based on feed forward decoupling SVPWM. And the three-phase grid inverter simulation model is give in Matlab, which verifies the correctness of this algorithm.
Upon completion of the above analysis and design, the DSP control chip TMS320F28335 is selected as the main controller, and the related modules are introduced. And the related software is designed according to the control strategy and software requirements, including A / D conversion and data processing program, CAN communication interface program, and control algorithm software implementation. Finally, the software is tested on the development board.
Key Words: three-phase grid inverter; space vector; current PI control; simulation module;
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外的研究现状 1
1.3 本文的主要研究内容 4
第2章 三相并网逆变器控制策略的研究 5
2.1 并网控制策略概述 5
2.2 三相并网逆变器控制方式的分析 6
2.2.1 调制方式的选择 6
2.2.2 SVPWM的原理 7
2.2.3 SVPWM的实现 8
2.3 三相并网逆变器的电流控制策略 10
2.3.1 电流控制方式选择 10
2.3.2 前馈解耦控制的研究 10
2.4 本章小结 12
第3章 基于matlab的控制算法仿真 13
3.1各模块模型的搭建 13
3.1.1 坐标变换模块 13
3.1.2 前馈解耦PI控制模块 13
3.1.3 SVPWM生成模块 14
3.2 整体算法仿真模型 14
3.3 仿真结果 16
3.4 本章小结 17
第4章 基于DSP的软件设计 18
4.1 DSP开发平台的搭建 18
4.2 控制程序设计 19
4.2.1 主程序设计 19
4.3.2 中断程序设计 20
4.3本章小结 22
总结 23
参考文献 24
附录 25
致谢 31
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题研究背景及意义
根据计算,如果用太阳能发电来给全世界供电,需要利用829.2万平方公里的地方来布置发电装置,这个面积不到整个海洋面积的百分之三,相对于撒哈拉沙漠也比较小[1],最重要的是太阳能永远用不完。太阳一秒钟传送到地球上的能量大致相当于6×105万吨标准煤的能量,高达1014千瓦,而这仅是太阳所有辐射能量的20亿分之一;另外,太阳在不停息的向地球传递能量,据估算,地球一整天所需的能量最多只相当于太阳每分钟所向地球发出的能量,这告诉我们太阳输送给了地球至少210亿桶石油的能量。如果由此推算,每一天太阳发送到地球上的能量是世界能源储量的104倍[2],这个结果十分惊人。所以我们可以展望,在不远的未来,太阳能将会成为世界能源的中心力量,预估到2030年太阳能发电在世界供电比例中将占到超过10% [3]。
1.2 国内外的研究现状
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