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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-03-23 21:54:02  

摘 要








Induction motor has a strong internal electromagnetic coupling, this makes it impossible to control the torque current and the excitation current as the DC motor. But the induction motor relative to the DC motor has many excellent performance such as reliable operation, large capacity, etc. So the induction motor is widely used in industrial production. The control of induction motor has always been the focus of engineering research. At present, the most widely used is the vector control theory. Its main idea is through the 3/2 conversion induction motor as a DC motor to control. The induced current and torque current decoupling, separated to control, so you can achieve as simple as the DC motor control effect. However, the basis of vector control theory is to accurately locate the rotor flux and its size to observe. If the flux can’t be accurately positioned on the induction motor, stator current can’t be decoupled. Especially when the induction motor is running, due to changes in its external environment and its own fever and other reasons. Its stator and rotor resistance equivalent is constantly changing, these values will affect the precise positioning of its flux. Therefore, the accurate identification of the induction motor parameters is the key to realize the vector control of the induction motor. To ensure optimal control, you need to get accurate parameters, and a good identification method is very important.

Firstly, the model of the induction motor is simulated and simulated. Based on two stationary coordinate systems, the motor model is established and simulated by Simulink. The motor model can decouple the torque current and the excitation current and realize the independent control of the two currents. Secondly, this paper analyzes the recursive least squares method, the recursive weighted least squares method and the generalized least squares method. Based on the motor model, the identification equation is deduced by the current flux chain equation of the motor. The identification equation can be used to directly measure the stator voltage current and its derivative as the input and output parameters. Then we design the Butterworth third-order low-pass filter which is used to filter and derive the input parameters. The S-Function module in Simulink is used to build and verify the effectiveness of the filter simulation model. Finally, according to the generalized recursive least squares method, the S-Function module is used to simulate the parameters of the on-line identification system of the induction motor. The stator current and its derivative of the motor model output are output to the parameter identification module through the filter, observe the error of the output parameter, and verify the feasibility of the identification method.

Key words: least squares; induction motor; on - line identification; identification equation


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.1.1 参数辨识的目的与意义 1

1.1.2 感应电机综述 1

1.1.3 感应电机常用的控制方法 2

1.2参数辨识的主要理论 3

1.2.1 离线辨识 3

1.2.2 在线辨识 4

1.3论文的内容及安排 8

第2章 感应电机基本原理及数学模型 9

2.1三相感应电机原理概述 9

2.2三相感应电机基本数学模型 9

2.3三项感应电机3/2变换后的模型 11

2.4三相感应电机的仿真 13

2.5小结 16

第3章 最小二乘法理论分析及辨识方程推导 17

3.1最小二乘法简介 17

3.2几种最小二乘法 17

3.2.1 最小二乘法的主要原理 17

3.2.2 递推最小二乘法 19

3.2.3 递推加权最小二乘法 20

3.2.4 广义递推最小二乘法 21

3.3系统辨识问题 22

3.4基于最小二乘法的电机参数辨识方程推导 23

3.5小结 25

第4章 输入输出参数滤波器设计 26

4.1滤波器综述 26

4.2滤波器的选取 26

4.2.1切比雪夫滤波器 26

4.2.2巴特沃斯滤波器 27

4.2.3贝塞尔滤波器 27

4.2.4椭圆低通滤波器 27

4.2.5选取滤波器 27

4.3三阶巴特沃斯滤波器的设计 28

4.4小结 32

第5章 最小二乘法仿真模型的建立 33

5.1辨识算法初值的设置 34

5.2最小二乘法方法的选取 35

5.2.1递推最小二乘法仿真 36

5.2.2递推加权最小二乘法仿真 37

5.2.3广义递推最小二乘法仿真 38

5.3广义递推最小二乘法辨识仿真系统 41

5.4小结 47

第6章 总结与展望 48

6.1 工作总结 48

6.2 展望 48

参考文献 49

致谢 51

第1章 绪论


1.1.1 参数辨识的目的与意义

到目前为止,电机调速市场还是多以V/F控制为主,占到了市场份额的近一半,而两种矢量控制方式也基本上占到了接近一半的市场。但是由于矢量控制方式相对V/F控制有很明显的优点,因此在未来矢量控制会是主流的感应电机控制方式。可见矢量控制方法的出现使得交流电机的调速向前进了一大步,现代的交流电机控制当中,矢量控制和直接转矩控制使得感应电机应用更为广泛,而矢量控制的基础就是要精确地知道转子磁链的位置,从而才能更好的将原本耦合的量分离开来,进而对其精确控制的效果。而磁场的精确定向又依赖于感应电机的实时参数,在不同的工作状态之下,其参数是会变化的,如果不能很好的估计实时的感应电机参数,电机的控制就会出现偏差。而在直接转矩控制当中,定子磁链的估计又是核心,而定子磁链位置的估计也依赖于电机的参数。在实际的电机工作场合中,如工厂用的拖动电机或是鼓风机等,其工作条件都是极其恶劣的,气温的变化加上其自身的发热,可能使得定转子电阻的阻值发生大范围的变动[1]。感应电机的定子电阻随温度变化粗略的经验公式为:R1=R2*(235 T1)/(235 T2),R1是温度为T1时的电阻值,R2是温度为T2时的电阻值。能够影响定转子电阻值的因素有很多,集肤效应也会对其产生影响。而且,最容易受影响的就是定转子磁通,电机的运行状态不同,定转子互感的值也不相同。由此可以看出,感应电机在运行时其内部参数的变化是很大的。如果没有准确的电机参数,矢量控制系统就无法对电机进行有效地控制,严重的情况下电机可能失控。因此准确的感应电机参数识别系统对感应电机的矢量控制的精确稳定控制有极其重要的作用。


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