2021-03-16 22:52:29
摘 要
The Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine(BDFM) is a new type of induction motor for canceling brush and slip ring, enabling a variety of operating modes. It can also be seen as a combination of synchronous motor and asynchronous motor, both asynchronous and simple structure of the characteristics of asynchronous machine, and has a synchronous machine to adjust the power factor, reduce the required capacity of the inverter and other advantages. But also because of its advantages, BDFM application prospects are very broad, especially in the wind, water, shaft power generation and so on. So in order to better understand the operation mechanism of this motor, this paper on its equivalent circuit and mathematical model, in MATLAB software simulation study.
The main work of the article is as follows:
First of all, not only review the history of BDFM, domestic and foreign research results and in-depth discussion of the application of BDFM prospects.
Secondly, in understanding the BDFM on the basis of the prototype, the detailed description of its working principle, the basic structure and structural design requirements, a variety of ways to achieve the operation.
Then, the simplified circuit is obtained according to the equivalent circuit which is regarded as two asynchronous machine cascades. The mathematical model of the synchronous speed is obtained by the coordinate transformation and the selection of the coordinate axes according to the mathematical model under the static coordinates.
Finally, according to the simplified equivalent circuit and the synchronous velocity coordinate model, the simulation model is established and the simulation results are analyzed according to the principle. The characteristics of the variable frequency speed regulation are verified, and the variation relationship of each current is analyzed.
Key words: BDFM; equivalent circuit; mathematical model; simulation
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1作为电动机的优势 1
1.1.2作为发电机的优势 2
1.2国内外的研究现状 3
1.2.1无刷双馈电机的发展简史 3
1.2.2国内外对无刷双馈电机的研究成果 4
1.3本文研究任务及章节安排 4
第2章 无刷双馈电机的基本工作原理及多种运行方式 6
2.1无刷双馈电机的原型 6
2.2无刷双馈电机的结构 8
2.2.1定子结构 8
2.2.2转子结构 9
2.3无刷双馈电机的工作原理 9
2.4无刷双馈电机的多种运行方式实现 10
2.4.1作为电动机的异步运行方式 11
2.4.2作为电动机的同步运行方式 11
2.4.3作为电动机的双馈运行方式 12
2.4.4作为发电机的控制绕组交流励磁运行方式 12
2.4.5作为发电机的控制绕组直流励磁运行方式 13
2.5本章小结 13
第3章 无刷双馈电机等效电路和数学模型 15
3.1等效电路的推导 15
3.2在静止abc坐标系下的数学模型 17
3.3在任意dqn坐标系下的数学模型 18
3.4本章小结 19
第4章 无刷双馈电机的仿真分析 20
4.1基于无刷双馈电机等效电路仿真 20
4.2基于无刷双馈电机的同步速模型仿真模型的搭建 21
4.3无刷双馈电机的同步速模型仿真分析 22
4.3.1无刷双馈电机异步启动时电流特性分析 22
4.3.2无刷双馈电机同步运行时电流特性分析 22
4.3.3无刷双馈电机双馈状态电流分析 23
4.3.4无刷双馈电机的转速特性分析 24
4.3.5无刷双馈电机的转矩特性分析 25
4.4本章小结 25
第5章 全文总结与展望 26
参考文献 27
附录一 29
附录二 31
致 谢 32
第1章 绪论
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