2021-03-15 20:47:07
摘 要
Variable frequency power supply is a frequency conversion device, which can convert the power frequency through the power conversion device into the voltage and frequency in the mobile range adjustable AC, so as to provide users with safe, superior performance of the power output. The purpose of this graduation design is to design a gyroscope for the hysteresis motor variable frequency power supply, used to drive the gyroscope motor, the output voltage for the three-phase AC, 10V ~ 50V continuously adjustable, voltage stability: 1 ‰, frequency From 240hz to 2000hz multi-gear adjustable, frequency stability: 1 ×10E-5, using a digital frequency division technology, in order to ensure the stability of the frequency.
The design is based on AT89C51 microcontroller and 8253-5 as a control board, the output of a variable frequency of three-phase pulse to drive the inverter bridge CMOS transistor. Rectifier part with adjustable DC power supply, can supply power to the inverter bridge, inverter bridge with three-phase voltage bridge inverter circuit. The clock source of the circuit selects the temperature-stabilized crystal with high frequency stability. Through the microcontroller interrupt function and 8253-5 digital frequency function, you can output three different frequency of 120 adjustable square wave. The design of the focus is through the program comparison, select the most appropriate program, and determine the feasibility of the final program, the analysis of the variable frequency power supply hardware design and software design, and gives the relevant circuit diagram.
Key words: variable frequency power supply, square wave inverter, 8253, digital frequency division
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 背景介绍 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本文设计的变频电源的不同之处 2
第二章 变频电源的结构和设计 3
2.1设计要求分析 3
2.2变频电源的基本原理 3
2.3逆变原理 4
2.3.1单相电压型逆变电路 4
2.3.2三相电压型逆变电路 5
2.3.3单相电流型逆变电路 6
2.3.4三相电流型逆变电路 6
2.4逆变电路 7
2.4.1逆变器 7
2.4.2器件选型 7
2.4.3逆变电路的波形分析和定量分析 10
2.5 整流部分 12
2.5.1直流稳压电源分析 12
2.5.2直流稳压电源的分类和特点 13
2.5.3可调压直流稳压电源的选型 13
第三章 控制板的设计 15
3.1控制部分的方案选择 15
3.1.1控制部分的功能 15
3.1.2晶振的确定 15
3.1.3 分频技术芯片的确定 17
3.2分频器的选择 19
3.3单片机的选择 20
3.3.1描述 21
3.3.2中断功能 22
3.48253-5频率的计算 23
3.5AT89S51单片机和8253的级联 24
3.6 显示部分 25
3.7频率控制部分 25
第四章 逆变电源的系统仿真 26
4.1 逆变桥主电路图 26
4.2CMOS晶体管驱动电路 26
4.351单片机,8253-5和74LS161级联 27
第五章 总结与展望 28
参考文献 29
致 谢 31
- 绪论
1.1 背景介绍
在科学研究,生产制造,医疗事业,国防领域和日常生活中对于电源的要求不仅很高,而且指标多不相同。例如我们国家供电电压是220V/50hz,而我国航天领域,国防领域采用的电源多数是频率为400hz,电压可调的电源。很明显,单一的工频电流已无法满足各种用户的需求,许多日常生活中用到的各种电器、医院里的高级医疗设备、国防领域中的精密仪器等很多都不能直接使用工频交流电[1] 。在这种形式下,变频电源得到了飞快的发展,变频电源在电气,电子行业中有十分广泛的应用[2] 。
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