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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-03-13 22:48:37  

摘 要



  1. 对电磁干扰的传导的形式,危害以及相应的抑制措施做一个简要的分析。
  2. 对交直交变频器的工作原理展开研究,它主要是由整流电路、滤波电路和逆变电路构成。探究整流桥与逆变桥的干扰源,分析电磁干扰在其中的传播路径。电磁干扰按耦合通道的不同又可分为共模干扰和差模干扰。但它们都是由于开关管频繁的通断所引起,因此需要了解它们之间的不同,从而能够有效的分析出各自的传播路径,在三相系统中,由于对差、共模干扰没有明确定义,一般认为“地环路”为共模干扰,“线-线”之间的为差模干扰。
  3. 基于以上分析研究,提取有效的共模、差模耦合通道,建立等效的电路模型,然后对其进行建模分析,得到干扰源以及交直交变频器中传导干扰的频谱图。为以后人们研究变频器的电磁干扰问题提供一些依据。

关键词: 变频器;干扰源;共模干扰;差模干扰


With the development of high-power power electronic devices, electronics, electrical equipment or systems are gaining more and more widely.However, in the process of equipment work, power electronic devices work in the switch state, will lead to voltage and current rate of change is too large, resulting in a strong electromagnetic interference.With the development of modern industry, the application of frequency converter is more and more extensive,However, due to high-speed power switch device off, resulting in a strong electromagnetic interference,it Not only has a negative impact on their own, but also affect the operation of other equipment.The way to interfere with the common electromagnetic interference is the same, that is, mainly through the field and circuit conduction in the form of transmission, including conduction coupling and radiation coupling.

First of all, the form of electromagnetic interference, damage, and the corresponding suppression measures to do a brief analysis.And then the working principle of AC and DC inverter analysis,It is mainly composed of rectifier circuit, filter circuit and inverter circuit,so we can separate each part of the circuit for analysis,and find the interference source and the propagation path of electromagnetic interference.Electromagnetic interference can be divided into common mode interference and differential mode interference according to the coupling channel,but they are due to switch off frequently caused by off,we need to understand the difference between them,which can effectively analyze the respective propagation path.In the three-phase system, it is generally considered that the "ground loop" is a common mode interference, and the interference between the "line-line" is differential mode interference

Finally, on the basis of the previous research, the effective common mode and differential mode coupling path are extracted to establish the equivalent circuit model,and then its modeling and analysis, get the interference source and cross-frequency converter in the conduction interference spectrum,so that we have a more intuitive understanding of electromagnetic interference.For the future people to study the frequency of the electromagnetic interference to provide some basis.

Keywords : Frequency converter; interference source; common mode interference; differential mode interference.


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 1

1.3 电磁干扰产生的原因及其危害 3

1.4 电磁干扰的抑制 4

1.5 课题研究内容与方法 4

1.5.1 研究内容 4

1.5.2 研究方法 5

第2章交直交变频器中的传导干扰问题 6

2.1电磁干扰的传播途径 6

2.2 传导耦合的基本方式 6

2.2.1 电阻性耦合 6

2.2.2 电容性耦合 7

2.2.3 电感性耦合 8

2.3 交直交变频器工作原理 8

2.4 传导干扰的机理分析 10

2.4.1 LISN的原理及作用 10

2.4.2 整流桥产生的干扰源 10

2.4.3 逆变桥产生的干扰源 11

2.5 本章小结 12

第3章干扰源频谱分析与建模 13

3.1 引言 13

3.2 干扰源分析 13

3.2.1 MOSFET开通和关断瞬态分析 13

3.2.2 开关瞬态对电路的影响 15

3.3 共模干扰路径的分析 16

3.4 差模干扰路径的分析 17

3.5 本章小结 18

第4章 交直交变频器传导干扰建模 19

4.1 引言 19

4.2 共模干扰耦合通路分析 19

4.3系统总共模干扰耦合通路分析 20

4.4 差模干扰耦合通路分析 21

4.5系统总差模干扰耦合通路分析 22

4.6 本章小结 23

第5章 总结与展望 24

参考文献 25

致谢 26

附录A 27

附录B 28

附录C 30

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题研究的背景及意义


1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势



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