2020-08-13 20:45:55
摘 要
With the large-scale construction of smart grid and the rapid development of electric vehicle technology At present, more and more people began to focus on electric vehicles and power grid to achieve energy interaction technology research. Electric vehicle power grid interactive technology, that is, V2G is the electric car battery is not only as a load unit. When the grid needs, the electric car can return the battery power back to the grid. At present, the development of electric vehicles in the accelerated period, a large number of electric vehicles into the grid will play a key role in regulating the power grid. How to convert the DC power of electric vehicles back to the grid is the key to V2G . This paper will design a single-phase grid-connected inverter to make the electric vehicle power flow to the grid.
This paper focuses on the topology of single-phase grid-connected inverter and the control strategy. Select the full-bridge inverter, introduced the control principle and circuit topology. In order to reduce the harmonic content of the output current, the LCL filter is selected by comparison. This filter has good attenuation characteristics for high frequency and low frequency, and its parameters are also designed. The advantages and disadvantages of four different control modes are discussed in the choice of grid-connected control strategy. In this control strategy, the voltage outside the ring can control the output power, and enter the comparison value to the current loop, which is mainly to make the output current to track the grid voltage.
In order to realize the inverter control function, the hardware part and the software part of the inverter based on DSP are designed. In the hardware design, the signal detection circuit and the driving circuit of the signal tube are analyzed, and the corresponding circuit diagram is designed. In the software control part, the inverter is mainly composed of the main program and the PWM program . The principle of the two is analyzed, and the schematic block diagram is drawn out, and the theoretical knowledge is analyzed in depth. After the overall design, the mathematical modeling and simulation analysis of the single-phase grid-connected inverter system in MATLAB / Simulink is carried out. The simulation of the voltage and current is obtained, which verifies the correctness of the LCL filter and the voltage and current double loop feedback control method.
Key Words:Vehicle-to-grid;Grid inverter; double loop control;Numerical Control
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景与意义 1
1.2 并网逆变器发展状况和趋势 2
1.3 本文设计内容和结构 3
第2章 单相并网逆变器总体设计 4
2.1 设计方案的提出 4
2.2 逆变主电路拓扑结构和原理分析 4
2.2.1 主电路拓扑结构选择 4
2.2.2 逆变器工作原理分析 4
2.3交流测滤波器的拓扑选择和参数设计 5
2.3.1 滤波器的拓扑选择 5
2.3.2 LCL滤波器的数学模型 6
2.2.3 滤波器参数设计 7
2.4 本章小节 8
第3章 逆变器并网控制策略 9
3.1 并网控制策略概述 9
3.2 并网控制目标 11
3.3 并网控制策略设计 12
3.4 并网逆变器硬件电路的设计 13
3.4.1 信号检测电路的设计 13
3.4.2 保护电路的设计 14
3.4.3 驱动电路的设计 15
3.5 本章小节 16
第4章 DSP控制软件设计 17
4.1 控制系统主程序的设计 17
4.2 PWM子程序的设计 19
4.3 本章小结 20
第5章 系统实验与分析 21
5.1 实验系统的建立 21
5.2 仿真结果分析 22
5.3 本章小节 23
总结 24
参考文献 25
致谢 27
1.1 课题研究背景与意义
1.1.1 研究背景
目前,经济的快速发展使得全球能源问题和环境问题日益凸显,越来越多的国家开始提倡节能减排,低碳生活。汽车是能源消耗的大户,新能源汽车较传统汽车在绿色清洁、能源利用上有明显的优势,而电动汽车技术是未来新能源汽车的主要方向。随着电动汽车技术的不断发展和锂电池技术的突破,人们发现电动汽车中电池不光可以看成用电单位,还可以看作是分布式电网或微电网的储能单元,通过这些储能单元实现电动汽车和电网之间的能量流动。在电动汽车电量不足需要充电时,电池作为负荷从电网获得电能;当电动汽车不在运行的时候,电动汽车可作为电网的储能设备或备用电源将剩余可控电能反向输送到电网中,实现电动汽车与电网互动,同时起到对电网调频调峰和改善电网稳定性等作用。因为,学者们提出了电动汽车——电网互动技术(Vehicle to Grid,V2G)的概念。
V2G (Vehicle-to-grid),即电动汽车——电网互动技术,是以电动汽车的储电功能为基础的新型智能电网技术。电动汽车电池不单作为电力消费体,还可以在电网需要时向电网反馈电能,实现能量在电网与电动汽车的互动。在上世纪90年代,有学者猜想大量电动汽车并入电网后会对电网产生不同于其他用电负荷的影响,但受限于当时的技术条件,没有形成完整的解决方案。V2G的概念最初在1995年有美国特拉华大学William Kempton教授提出。近年来,由于智能电网的发展和节能减排的倡导,V2G技术受到了越来越多的关注,很多国家和团队对电动汽车与电网双向互动技术的可行性进行研究。
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