2020-07-11 18:02:58
摘 要
关键词:分布式电源 前推回代法 分布式电源优化配置 无功优化控制
With the global energy crisis become more and more serious, people have realized the importance of environmental protection and effective utilization of resources. Meanwhile, in terms of electric power, people begin to study on the use of renewable resources, energy conservation and environmental protection. The distributed generation gets people more and more attention and research because of its clean and non-pollution. However, when a large number of distributed generation access the electric system, it will make a huge impact of the active power loss. At the same time it can affect the power quality and the reliability of power supply. The Energy-saving optimization control of active distribution networks can effectively reduce power loss and improve the power quality and safety. As a result, with the resources shortage, it has important significance in research the energy conservation and the loss reduction of active power control.
First, this paper studied the load flow calculation including a variety of distributed generation, and analyzed the different types of distributed generation to establish the mathematical models. According to the working principle several common distributed generation were divided into PQ constant, PV constant, PI constant, and PQ(V) constant. Then, according to the relationship between voltage, active power and reactive power, all of the nodes were converted to PQ nodes and substituted into the load flow calculation. We used MATLAB to code the flow calculation program. In order to verify the forward extrapolation algorithm model, we used it to calculate IEEE33 node system, which access the distributed power generation.
Second, this paper establishes a distributed power optimization configuration model whose objective function is the active network loss of the distribution network system. This model aims to find the optimal location and capacity of distributed power access in the distribution network. This model can effectively reduce the active network loss in the active distribution network and also improve the voltage quality in the distribution network. This paper introduces the particle swarm algorithm in the intelligent algorithm and uses it to solve the distributed power optimization configuration model.
Finally, this paper introduces the reactive power control theory of active distribution network, that is, the method of reducing active power loss and improving power quality and power supply reliability by controlling the reactive power in distribution network. Based on the optimized configuration of distributed power supply, the reactive power optimization control of power distribution network is performed. The optimization results show that after the optimal configuration of distributed power supply, the active network loss of the distribution network is reduced and the reactive power optimization control of distribution network can still be greatly improved. At the same time it can keep the voltage of each node within the allowable voltage fluctuation range.
Key words: distributed power supply;forward-back substitution;distributed power optimization configuration;reactive power optimization control
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 DG并网后配电网的潮流计算 2
1.2.2主动配电网关键技术 3
1.3本文主要研究内容 6
第二章 含分布式电源的潮流计算 8
2.1分布式电源概述 8
2.2分布式电源在潮流计算中的模型 8
2.2.1风力发电的数学模型 8
2.2.2太阳能光伏发电系统数学模型 10
2.2.3燃料电池的数学模型 11
2.2.4微型燃气轮机的数学模型 12
2.3分布式电源并网对配电网的影响 13
2.4含分布式电源的配电网潮流计算 14
2.4.1配电网潮流计算方法概述 14
2.4.2配电网前推回代潮流计算 16
2.4.3含分布式电源的配电网潮流计算 19
2.5分布式电源接入系统后网损影响的仿真算例 22
2.5.1含一个类型的分布式电源的配电网潮流计算 24
2.5.2含多种分布式电源的配电网潮流计算 27
2.6本章小结 28
第三章 分布式电源优化配置 29
3.1分布式电源优化配置数学模型 29
3.1.1目标函数 29
3.1.2约束条件 30
3.2粒子群算法基本原理 31
3.3基于粒子群算法的分布式电源优化配置 33
3.3.1编码方案 33
3.3.2算法流程 34
3.4算例分析 35
3.5本章小结 36
第四章 主动配电网优化控制 37
4.1配电网无功优化理论 38
4.1.1无功补偿装置 38
4.1.2无功负荷及无功功率损耗 39
4.1.3无功功率对电压影响 40
4.1.4配电网的无功优化 41
4.2无功网损优化与电压控制 42
4.2.1电压控制 42
4.2.2网损调控 43
4.3主动配电网优化控制算例 44
4.4本章小结 45
总结 46
参考文献 47
致谢 52
附录 53
第一章 绪论
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