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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2020-05-24 12:17:25  

摘 要



关键词:非接触测量 激光扫描 视觉系统 点云

Data Processing and Parameter Calculation on

Fusion of Vision and Laser Measurement Systems


Because the non-contact measurement has the characteristics of fast, flexible and high efficiency, it is gradually replacing the traditional measurement tools. The measurement system composed of laser scanning and visual capture can be used to analyze and calculate the measurement parameters of the workpiece in the high precision measurement. Therefore, the non-contact measurement of fusion vision and laser measurement system is widely used in industrial production. Based on the understanding and research of the laser scanning and binocular vision system, this paper analyzes the characteristics of the measured workpiece obtained through the above system, so as to realize the calculation of the specific parameters of the workpiece.

This paper is divided into four parts, firstly, non-contact measurement of the background and classification are introduced, the characteristics compared to traditional measurement methods and advantages of vision and laser measurement system; secondly, the definition of the working principle, the laser scanner used in this experimental work parameters and experimental coordinate system; and then through a laser scanner scanning point cloud data of the workpiece were calculated and analyzed. The data of contour extraction of the workpiece, and the point cloud data screening, classification and extraction to the necessary parameter information by editing algorithm on the workpiece contour point, then the point cloud data processing, calculation, get the parameters of the workpiece, so as to realize the data processing and data fusion of vision and laser measurement system; finally puts forward improvement ideas and simple general algorithm based on the text.


Key Words: Non-contact Measurement; Laser Scanning; Vision System; Point Cloud





第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2非接触测量技术分类 1

1.2.1激光测量 2

1.2.2视觉测量 5

1.3研究意义 7

第二章 激光扫描仪与点云数据理论基础 8

2.1激光扫描仪 8

2.2坐标系的确定 8

2.2.1图像坐标系 8

2.2.2相机坐标系: 9

2.3坐标系之间的转换 9

2.3.1图像坐标系与物理坐标系 9

2.3.2相机坐标系与世界坐标系 10

2.3.3物理坐标系与相机坐标系的转换 11

第三章 研究过程 12

3.1实验器材 12

3.2提取工件轮廓 14

3.3提取弧线轮廓 15

3.3.1弧线轮廓的第一次提取 15

3.3.2弧线轮廓的第二次提取 16

3.4圆的参数计算 17

3.5实现算法 18

3.6实验结果与分析 19

第四章 研究总结 22

4.1算法改进 22

4.2 总结概述 22


第一章 绪论





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