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 2021-12-31 19:51:22  


摘 要

Abstract IV

第一章 设计方案综合说明 1

1.1 基本概况 1

1.1.1 项目概况 1

1.1.2 环境概况 1

1.1.3 工程地质概要 2

1.1.4 水文地质概况 3

1.1.5支撑及冠梁体系施工技术要求 5

1.1.6土方开挖施工技术要求 5

1.1.7其它设计与施工要求 6

1.2基坑监测 7

1.2.1 监测范围与对象 7

周边道路监测 7

1.2.2 监测要求 7

1.2.3 监测报警界限 8

1.2.4设计参照规范与图集 9

1.2.5 工程地质参数 9

1.2.6 应急方案 10

1.2.7 注意事项 10

第二章 支护桩结构设计计算 11

2.1 ABC段支护结构计算 11

2.1.1第一道支撑轴力计算 12

2.1.2第二层支撑轴力计算 14

2.1.3嵌固深度t及桩长L计算 17

2.1.4抗倾覆验算 18

2.1.5桩体最大弯矩计算 18

2.1.6拆撑验算 20

2.2 CDEF段 22

2.2.1第一道支撑轴力计算 23

2.2.2第二层支撑轴力计算 25

2.2.3嵌固深度t及桩长L计算 28

2.2.4抗倾覆验算 29

2.2.5桩体最大弯矩计算 29

2.2.6拆撑验算 30

2.3AF段支护结构计算开始进行计算 32

2.3.1第一道支撑轴力计算 33

2.3.2第二层支撑轴力计算 35

2.3.3嵌固深度t及桩长L计算 38

2.3.4抗倾覆验算 39

2.3.5桩体最大弯矩计算 39

2.3.6拆撑验算 40

2.4 支护桩配筋 42

第三章 支撑结构设计计算 43

3.1 冠梁、围檩计算 43

3.1.1 冠梁设计 43

3.1.2 第一道围檩设计 44

3.2 钢筋混凝土支撑设计计算 46

3.2.1 第一道支撑计算 46

3.2.2 第二道支撑计算 51

3.3 立柱及立柱桩设计计算 55

3.3.1 立柱计算 55

3.3.2 立柱桩验算 57

第四章 基坑降水止水设计 58

4.1基坑止水帷幕设计 58

4.2降水设计 59

4.2.1潜水 59

4.2.2降水设计结论概述 60

第五章 施工要求及监测方案 60

5.1 基坑施工说明 60

5.1.1 建筑材料 60

5.1.2 钻孔灌注桩施工要求 60

5.1.3 三轴搅桩施工要求 61

5.1.4 支撑系统施工要求 62

5.1.5 立柱、立柱桩施工要求 63

5.1.6 质量检测要求 63

5.2 土方开挖与降水 64

5.2.1 土方开挖 64

5.2.2 降排水 65

5.2.3 应急措施 65

5.3 基坑支护监测方案 66

5.3.1 技术要求 66

5.3.2 监测内容 66

5.3.3 观测要求 67

5.3.4 监测的控制要求 68

4.3.5 应急措施 68

5.4 其它 69

第六章 电算结果 70

6.1 ABC段支护结构设计计算 70

6.2 CDEF段支护结构设计计算 84

6.3 FA段支护结构设计计算 98

结 束 语 112

参考文献 113

致 谢 114



扬中市人民医院医技病房综合楼基坑支护项目位于扬中市春柳路和金苇南路交叉处,北侧为空地,东侧为已建医技楼,距离较远,该项目由21F主楼、5~7F裙楼及2层地下室组成。项目占地约4263.0m2,总建筑面积约54136.80 m2,其中主楼面积约36645.00 m2,裙楼面积约13800.00 m2,地下建筑面积约3691.80 m2。本工程设计±0.00标高相当于绝对标高3.95m。设计中为确保标高的一致性,统一采用相对标高。本基坑面积约4335m2,周长约295m,挖深10.00m

考虑基坑周边环境对支护结构变形的敏感性,本着“安全可靠,经济合理,技术可行,施工方便”的原则,基坑采用钻孔灌注桩 三轴水泥土搅拌桩止水帷幕的围护结构;内支撑系统水平向采用2道对撑5角撑结合边桁架的支撑体系。竖向采用临时钢立柱及柱下钻孔灌注桩作为水平支撑系统的竖向支承构件。整个平面布置简单、传力明确、受力合理。基坑四周钻孔灌注桩桩径为1000mm,桩间距为1200mm。整个基坑采用“外止内排”的基坑降水方案,四周采用单排三轴深搅桩形成一个封闭的止水帷幕,其坑内采用管井井点降水 明沟集水井的降排水方式。



关键词: 深基坑 支护结构 排桩支护 止水帷幕 钢筋混凝土内支撑

Design of foundation pit Support Scheme for Medical Technical Ward Complex Building of Yangzhong People's Hospital


The foundation pit support project of the medical and technical ward complex of Yangzhong People's Hospital is located at the intersection of Chunliu road and Jinwei south road in Yangzhong, the project consists of 21F main building, 5 ~ 7F skirt building and 2 basement floors. The project covers an area of about 4,263.0 M2 with a total gross floor area of about 54,136.80 M2, of which the main floor area is about 36,645.00 M2, the podium floor area is about 13,800.00 M2, and the underground Gross leasable area area is about 3,691.80 M2. 0.00 elevation is equivalent to 3.95 m absolute elevation. In order to ensure the consistency of elevation, the relative elevation is adopted uniformly. The area of the foundation pit is about 4335M2, the circumference is about 295m, and the excavation depth is 10.00m.

The sensitivity of the surrounding environment of the foundation pit to the deformation of the supporting structure is considered, the retaining structure of bored pile Triaxial cement-soil mixing pile watertight curtain is adopted in the foundation pit, and the supporting system of the inner supporting system is horizontal with a pair of bracing and angle bracing combined with side Truss. Temporary steel columns and bored piles under columns are used as vertical supporting members of the horizontal supporting system. The whole plane layout is simple, transmission force is clear, the force is reasonable. The diameter of bored piles around the foundation pit is 1000mm and the spacing between piles is 1200mm. The whole foundation pit adopts the dewatering scheme of "stop outside and drain inside" , single row three-axis deep mixing piles are used around the pit to form a closed waterproof curtain, and the dewatering method of pipe well point dewatering and open ditch collecting well is adopted in the pit. The Earth pressure is calculated using rankine earth pressure theory of limit equilibrium theory of Earth pressure: the Earth pressure on the earth face outside the pit takes the active earth pressure, and the earth pressure below the excavation face depth is considered according to the triangular distribution, the Earth pressure on the back soil below the excavation face in the pit takes the passive Earth pressure, and for plain fill, silty clay and silt silty clay below the groundwater level, the water-soil cost-effective method is adopted, and for silty fine sand below the groundwater level, the method of soil and water calculation is adopted. In order to comprehensively analyze the internal force and deformation of the supporting structure under different working conditions, besides hand calculation, the unit calculation of the foundation pit is carried out by using Lizheng deep foundation pit software, making the design more reasonable and accurate.


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