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利用AutoCAD VBA实现道路曲线坐标计算和成图毕业论文

 2022-06-15 23:51:34  


摘 要

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2现状工程测量的特点 1

1.3线路工程中的曲线类型 1

1.4 AUTOCAD 简介 3





1.5 VBA的简介……………………………………………………………3

1.5.1 VBA定义……………………………………………………… 4

1.5.2 VBA用途……………………………………………………… 5

1.5.3 VBA基础……………………………………………………… 5

1.6 AUTOCAD VBA软件的简介………………………………………… 6

第二章公路工程测量 8

2.1概述 8

2.2非一般曲线任意桩点的坐标计算 9

2.3非完整缓和曲线 10

2.4 缓和曲线坐标计算的数学模型 11

2.4.1缓和曲线基本特征 11

2.4.2缓和曲线的数学特性 12

2.4.3基于 VBA 的程序设计 12

2.5线路工程中的曲线坐标计算方法 13



第三章 基于autocadVBA的编程及其应用 17

3.1建立软件界面 17

3.2程序设计思路 17

3.3控制 AutoCAD的VBA 主要源代码 .18


3.4获取的Excel数据 32

3.5软件界面上的缓和曲线图 34

结语 36

参考文献 36

致谢………………………………………………………… 37

利用autocad VBA实现道路曲线坐标计算和成图

摘 要

公路、铁路、渠线、输电线以及其他管道工程都属于线型工程,它们的中线通称为线路。这些线路实际上由空间的直线段和曲线段组合而成,在线路方向发生变化的地段,连接直线转向处的曲线有圆曲线和缓和曲线。圆曲线是有一定曲率半径的圆弧,又分为单曲线和复曲线,在线路工程的施工前,需要通过放样的方法进行点位测设。在放样前,必须计算出放样点的坐标,通常点位坐标的计算过程比较复杂,方法也比较多,主要内容如下: 1、利用VBA或其他开发工具,建立人机交互界面,输入必要参数后自动计算曲线、圆曲线、缓和曲线上点位坐标; 2、点位坐标计算完毕后,由AutoCAD自动显示加密点的里程等信息,同时实现信息的删除、编辑等功能。


The calculation and mapping using AutoCAD VBA realize the road curve coordinates


The development of machinery automation enables AutoCADgraphics software to practice more universally. Depending on its exclusiveadvantages, this software has played a very good role in drawing mechanicalgraphics. Compared to previous traditional manual drawing, CAD drawingowns many advantages, operating speed, dimensional accuracy, graphic scale,and so on in drawing can all be controlled strictly according to the machineryindustry standard. After a period of using, technical staff found that AutoCADgraphics software has much room for developme, and many places are neededfor improvement.Highway,railway, canal line, transmission lines and other pipeline engineering belong to linear engineering, which is known as the middle line. These lines in the space of the straight line and curve segments are combined and become, lots of changes in the direction of the line and connected with a linear to circular curve and transition curve of the curve at. Circular curve is a certain curvature radius of the arc, is divided into a single curve and composite curve, in front of the line project construction, by setting out method of site survey and design.Before setting out, it is necessary to calculate the coordinates of the points, lofting, usually point coordinates calculation process is more complex, method is more, the main contents are as follows: 1, using VBA or other development tools, to establish a human-computer interaction interface, input the necessary parameters automatic calculation curve and circle curve, ease curve coordinates;

Keyword: Transition curve; curve; curve; coordinate; AutoCAD and VBA ;AutoCAD software • Drawing • Speed • Technological upgrading


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