2022-06-11 21:35:07
摘 要
关键词:城市地下管线 探测技术 地下管线图
Discussion on urban underground pipeline detection technology
As China's socialist market economic system more perfect, the city continues to accelerate the process of modernization, as a modern city's main infrastructure and most conduction spread equipment, urban underground pipeline project is a strong covert infrastructure projects Therefore, the underground pipeline project, the planning, design and construction of the building from early until late into operation, should be effective, systematic, comprehensive and timely management information thus obtained was more real and accuracy, in our modern urban underground pipeline construction project, the biggest problem faced is how to be more scientific and reasonable to determine the exact location of underground pipelines, while they are compiled into the underground pipeline map, so as to build our needs of the underground pipe network information system, so we deal with the development of underground pipeline detection technology to have a full understanding, mastering a variety of methods to detect underground pipeline. This article will outline to the underground pipeline detection technology and content to detect underground pipeline operating procedures carried out a detailed analysis and discussion, which discussed in detail the development and application of urban underground pipeline detection technology.
Keywords: urban underground pipeline ;detection technology ;underground pipeline map
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 研究现状 2
第二章 城市地下管线探查 3
2.1 探查内容 3
2.2 探查项目 3
2.3 实地探测的方法 5
2.4 精度要求 7
2.5 实地探测 9
第三章 城市地下管线测量 13
3.1 控制测量 13
3.1.1 控制测量要求 13
3.1.2平面控制网和高程控制网的建立 13
3.2 管线点测量 15
3.3 精度要求 16
第四章 城市地下管线图的编绘 17
4.1 成图基本规定 17
4.2 编绘图形分层及符号 17
4.3 管线图的分类示例 20
第五章 总结与展望 23
参考文献 24
致谢 25
第一章 绪论
1.1 选题背景
地下管线被视为城市的生命线,但目前中国许多城市、企业地下管网分布不清,档案资料管理不够规范,给城镇、工矿企业的建设与改造以及管线的使用与维护带来很多的困难,引发了许多管线损坏、人员伤亡、停水停电等重大事故。地下管线的探测已成为施工的必不可少的前提条件。中国城市地下管线长度惊人,由此形成的城市地下管线探测行业市场容量巨大。如,南京、上海的地下管线长度在10 万km左右,较大的二三线城市地下管线长度也在5 万公里左右,而一般县城的地下管线长度也在1000 km以上。与此同时,城市地下管线种类越来越多,材质越来越丰富,给地下管线探测带来不少困难。这客观上也要求探测设备采用新技术,从而实现快速、准确、便捷的探测。然而从目前情况看,中国地下管线探测设备技术力量储备不足,探测设备生产企业规模小、产品技术含量低、质量不高,大量先进的探测设备仍依赖进口[1-3]。