2022-02-10 20:19:02
摘 要
本文重点介绍使用三维激光扫描仪对校园内的土坡进行三维测量,结合SCENE对点云数据进行配准、去燥等预处理,运用C 和PCL点云库平台,实现点云数据格式转化、边界提取、图形可视化以及土方工程量计算,进而通过算法获得工程项目填方量和挖方量,并与传统方法计算所得到的结果进行对比验证。实验证明:基于地面三维激光扫描点云的土方计算不仅精度高,效率快,而且能够节省人力资源,从而满足各种工程建设需求。
关键词:地面三维激光扫描 点云 土方计算 PCL
The Earthwork calculation based on Point cloud of
ground three-dimensional laser scanning
The calculation of earthwork quantity is the basic work of all kinds of large-scale projects, the accuracy of earthwork calculation is very important to time and cost control, and different methods are used to calculate earthwork. With the expansion of the scale of various construction projects, people have higher standards and requirements for calculating precision of earthwork, we need to choose the most suitable calculation method and data acquisition mode according to the actual project to meet the precise budget control of project cost.
In order to make reasonable work schedule, calculate the construction cost accurately and improve the engineering quality, we need to calculate the earthwork quantity more accurately and effectively. This paper makes a detailed summary and analysis of the grid method and contour method in earthwork calculation method, analyzes the concrete application of each calculation method, introduces its respective calculation principles and steps, and finds that conventional methods can not meet the characteristics of high computational accuracy and complex terrain.
This paper focuses on three-dimensional measurement of soil slopes in the campus using three-dimensional laser scanner, combined with scene to point cloud data registration, drying and other pretreatment, using C and PCL point cloud platform to achieve point cloud data format conversion, boundary extraction, graphic visualization and earthwork calculation, Through the algorithm, the filling quantity and the excavation quantity of the project are obtained, and the results obtained by the traditional method are compared and validated. The experiment shows that the earthwork calculation based on the TLS point cloud is not only of high precision and efficiency, but also can save human resources and meet the needs of various engineering construction.
Key Words: ground three-dimensional laser scanning; point cloud; earthwork calculation; PCL
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.3研究内容 3
第二章 土方计算方法概述 5
2.1 传统土方计算 5
2.1.1 方格网法 5
2.1.2 不规则三角网法 6
2.1.3 等高线法 6
2.1.4断面法 6
2.2 地面三维激光扫描土方计算方法 7
第三章 数据采集与预处理 9
3.1测区概况 9
3.2数据采集 9
3.2.1准备工作 10
3.2.2扫描阶段 10
3.3 预处理 11
3.3.1点云配准 11
3.3.2点云格式转换 12
3.3.3基于PCL体素格滤波算法噪声去除 13
3.3.4 点云数据压缩 14
第四章 基于地面三维激光点云土方计算 15
4.1 点云可视化 15
4.2基于点云模型的孔洞修补 16
4.2.1 平均点间距计算 16
4.2.2边界特征点检测 16
4.2.3 孔洞修补 17
4.3基于贪婪三角形投影曲面重建 18
4. 4基于地面三维激光扫描土方计算 19
4.4.1基于格网法平均高程改进算法 19
4.4.2土方工程量计算 20
4.5常规方法土方计算 21
4.6 计算结果对比分析 22
第五章 结论 23
参考文献 24
致谢 26
附件 27
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义