2022-01-08 20:23:13
摘 要
关键词:地下管线测量 控制测量 物探技术 控制测量
Pipeline update measurement and data management
Underground pipeline is very important to the operation of the city, and now the more the city function is perfect, the more complex the underground pipeline. The detection of underground pipelines is done in cooperation with multiple departments. Master the situation of urban underground pipeline, manage urban construction and face some unexpected situations on the premise of establishing a database. This paper combines the technique and process of underground pipeline detection, and discusses the underground pipeline detection through various ways, such as literature reading. Establish a database to achieve dynamic management across departments to provide protection for disaster prevention and handling of emergencies. In the first chapter, it mainly describes the current situation of underground pipelines and the significance of measurement. The second chapter details the measurement method and when should be used what method more quickly and accurately, no matter what will encounter some problems, underground pipeline measurement is the same, so this chapter also introduces the underground pipeline measurement often encountered problems and solutions. The third chapter mentions the technical requirements of underground pipeline and the specific application of control measurement in underground pipeline, there are two kinds of control measurement, plane and elevation. The fourth chapter is about the underground pipeline data processing and quality inspection, processing data need to establish a database, which not only for the next inspection and maintenance provides a convenient, but also for the future management provides a basis.
Underground pipeline measurement; prospecting technology; control measurement; control survey;
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1项目实施的背景 1
1.2项目实施的目的和意义 1
1.2.1目的 1
1.2.2意义 2
1.3地下管线的发展 3
1.4 设计依据 3
第二章 地下管线相关技术 5
2.1地下管线常用探测方法 5
2.2地下管线探查方法的选择 6
2.2.1在不同材质的情况下 6
2.2.2在不同埋设条件的情况下 7
2.3地下管线探测时遇到的问题 7
2.4地下管线的监理及其方法 8
第三章 地下管线测量 14
3.1 工作流程 14
3.2 资料收集 14
3.3 现场踏勘 15
3.4 地下管线探查 15
3.4.1地下管线探查技术要求 15
3.4.2明显管线点探查技术要求 16
3.5控制测量 18
3.5.1平面控制测量 18
3.5.2高程控制测量 19
3.6管线点测量 20
3.7道路检修 20
第四章 地下管线数据处理 24
4.1内业数据处理 24
4.1.1建立地下管线数据库 24
4.1.2数据库的检查以及修改 24
4.2管线图编绘 24
4.2.1编绘方法 24
4.3 地下管线探查成果 25
4.4成果质量检查 25
4.4.1探查成果质量检查 25
4.4.2 测量成果质量检查 26
4.5 数据管理 27
4.5.1地下管线数据管理的目标 27
4.5.2数据的交换与共享要求: 27
第五章 总结与展望 24
5.1 总结 24
5.2展望 24
参考文献 25
感悟与致谢 27
第一章 绪论