2020-07-15 21:09:13
摘 要
关键词:重力位模型 精度评定 球谐函数 高程异常
A comparative study on the determination of local elevation anomalies by the latest earth gravity model
In recent years, China’s economic strength has been continuously increasing, infrastructure construction is being vigorously promoted, and the amount of engineering has been continuously increasing. The corresponding surveying and mapping industry has also been developed. The processing of observation data has been proceeding in the direction of high precision and rapid determination of elevation. These projects put forward higher and higher requirements for surveying and mapping accuracy. Everything shows that: traditional measurement methods and measuring instruments can no longer meet current needs. The influence of the Earth's gravity field on the accuracy under current demand cannot be ignored. The Earth's gravity field model is one of the most active research fields in the field of geodetic geophysics. However, in many gravity model, not all models are suitable for China's more complex geographical conditions.
This paper introduces the calculation principle of the gravity model, the accuracy evaluation method and simply describes the role of spherical harmonics in the gravity model. First, a general overview of some models is listed, and then an experimental model is selected. Accuracy evaluation is performed on the gravity model, and then the measurement data is converted and processed using the gravity field model. Finally, the data of the elevation anomaly is obtained. The standard deviation of the elevation anomaly is calculated and compared and the table is drawn to analyze which gravity model is more suitable. Our complex geographical environment.
Keywords:Gravity model; Accuracy assessment; Spherical harmonic function ;Elevation abnormality
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究的背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3本文研究的具体内容 2
第二章 重力位模型计算原理 3
2.1高程异常计算原理 3
2.2扰动位的计算 3
2.3勒让德函数及其导数计算正常化 3
2.4球谐函数 4
2.4.1何为球谐函数 4
2.4.2重力场球协模型的高程异常计算 5
2.4.3球谐函数在重力位模型的应用 6
第三章 重力位模型精度计算评估原理 7
3.1重力位模型精度评定理论和计算方法 7
3.2重力场模型联合确定GPS点正常高的方法 7
3.2.1利用模型高程异常来比较 7
3.2.2利用重力位来比较 8
3.3通过高程异常的标准差来进行检核比较 8
3.3.1标准差 8
3.3.2绝对检核 9
第四章 重力位模型比较分析 10
结论与总结 20
参考文献 22
致谢 24
第一章 绪论