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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 安全工程 > 正文


 2022-06-15 23:24:34  


摘 要




关键词:图书馆 消防安全管理 层次综合评估 火灾风险评估

Jiangpu library active fire protection present situation investigation and analysis and fire prevention strategies


University Library is the school's literature information resource center, who is considered the “heart” of the university, building a first-class university, is inseparable from the support of a first-class library, however, However, the university library has a large cubic construction, knowledge-intensive, dense, readers, large flow, equipment and facilities, flammable, large power consumption, etc, and every day there are one thousand people in and out Relationship with students, precious literature information resources, and equipment safety,In the event of an emergency, consequence is unimaginable.

It is because of the particularity of universities library, so our country in the past few years, Especially in the process of design and construction of new library must implement mandatory national standards, such as "Code for fire protection design of building " (GB50016-2014), "Library Building Design Standard" (JGJ38-99), "The public library building fire safety standards" (WH0502-96) and so on, However, the presence of fire safety management in our country started late, a lot of systems and norms have not kept pace, fire management and technology is still relatively backward equipment, building fire risk assessment system is imperfect, fire agencies and insurance agencies convergence irrational reality issue.

So this paper the fire safety analysis and evaluation method are introduced to fire control safety management work of university library, Hierarchy comprehensive evaluation method is used to establish the university library evaluation model of ability to fire situation, using the traditional method and survey experts determine the importance of each factor combined with the Fire Safety Management of University Library evaluation composite score formula, setting grades evaluation criteria. Finally, according to the evaluation model developed to a Nanjing University of Technology campus library as a template, the University Library assessed the current status of fire safety, fire safety situation to understand the library to identify priorities in terms of fire safety and improvements strategy, so fire safety management of university libraries increased from scattered provisions to system management, from fuzzy evaluation to quantitative analysis, Eventually improve the fire safety management of the library.

Key words:The library;Fire safety management;Hierarchy comprehensive evaluation method;The fire risk assessment;

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的背景和意义 1

1.1.1 问题提出的背景 1

1.1.2 问题提出的意义 2

1.2 国内外研究现状和发展动态 3

1.3 研究内容和技术路径 5

第二章 江浦校区图书馆主动防火现状调查与分析 7

2.1 建筑防火消防设施 9

2.1.1 火灾自动报警系统与消防联动系统 9

2.1.2 防排烟系统 14

2.1.3 防雷防静电系统 18

2.1.4 江浦校区图书馆建筑防火现状 19

2.2 建筑消防灭火措施 19

2.2.1 建筑消防给水系统 22

2.2.2 自动喷水灭火系统 22

2.2.3 灭火器配备 23

2.2.4 江浦校区图书馆建筑灭火现状 22

2.3 消防安全管理 24

第三章 江浦校区图书馆火灾安全分析评估 25

3.1 常见的消防安全评估方法比较 25

3.1.1 逻辑分析法 26

3.1.2 计算机模拟法 26

3.1.3 层次分析法 27

3.1.4 层次分析一模糊综合评估 27

3.2 层次分析法原理和思路 28

3.3 高校图书馆消防安全管理能力评估模型构建 29

3.3.1 评估模型构建的目的和原则 29

3.3.2 高校图书馆消防安全管理能力评估指标初始集 29

3.3.3 图书馆消防安全管理能力评估指标层次结构模型 31

3.4 问卷调查表的设计及调查 32

3.4.1 问卷设计 32

3.4.2 调查对象及方式 33

3.4.3 问卷结果统计 33

3.5 YAAHP软件的概述 34

3.5.1 层次模型绘制 34

3.5.2 判断矩阵生成及两两比较数据输入 35

3.5.3 判断矩阵一致性比例及排序权重计算 35

3.5.4 不一致判断矩阵自动修正 36

3.5.5 残缺判断矩阵自动补全 36

3.5.6 总目标/子目标排序权重计算 37

3.5.7 导出计算数据 37

3.6 利用YAAHP层次分析法软件计算指标权重 38

3.6.1 高校图书馆消防安全管理能力评估模型 41

3.6.2 高校图书馆消防安全管理能力评估等级标准 43

3.7 本章小结 44

第四章 南京工业大学江浦校区图书馆消防安全管理策略 45

4.1 消防安全设施 45

4.2 消防安全管理 46

第五章 结论与展望 49

5.1 结论 49

5.2 展望 49

参考文献 50

致谢 51


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