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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 安全工程 > 正文


 2022-06-12 20:32:30  


摘 要

苯乙烯储罐区是石油化工生产中事故后果危害较大的场所。本文基于对苯乙烯储罐事故特性的分析, 选择典型工程案例, 利用ALOHA 软件对苯乙烯储罐的蒸气云爆炸、BLEVE事故、蒸气云闪火、池火灾、中毒事故以及泄漏产生的池火的热辐射等的影响进行模拟计算, 分析了不同场景下事故后果的严重程度, 并根据事故后果进行危险区域划分。结果表明:对于爆炸和火灾事故, BLEVE 事故造成的危害最大, 其次是池火灾, 最后是蒸汽云闪火爆炸; 如果发生中毒事故, 58-181m 范围内为中毒危险区域 。针对模拟结果,提出了几点预防苯乙烯储罐火灾爆炸事故的安全措施。

关键词:苯乙烯储罐 ALOHA 事故场景 后果分析 模拟计算

Analysis over the simulated calculation of the consequences caused by fire and explosive accidents in the 1500m3 storage tank


The paper is aimed at pursuing the regularity of the disastrous consequences caused by fire and explosive accidents in the styrene tank areas. As is known, there always exist hazardous accidental consequences in petrochemical production due to the accidental explosion in the tanks .Based on the analyses of the characteristic features of such accidental consequences, we have chosen a typical case study sample , in which we have done some simulated calculations including vapor cloud explosion , BLEVE accident, flash fire , pool fire , poisoning accidents and radiation effects of pool fire during the leakage to its adjacent naphtha tanks the relative results in different models we have gained, including the damage radius in different accidents, the variation of diffusion concentrations of toxic gases with time and distance and heat radiation to the adjacent tanks. Based on the analysis of the results of the various consequences from the simulation under different accident scenarios, we have divided the dangerous areas into different levels. And, finally, we have made comprehensive analyses of the multi-level sorts in the light of simulated calculation results. For the explosive and fire accidents, the BLEVE is the key factor leading to the accidents, which is followed by the pool fire with the flash fire being the last. If poisoning occurs, 58-181m for poisoning within hazardous areas. According to simulation results, we provide some useful scientific guides for emergency disposal strategies in styrene tank fires.

Key Words: St storage tanks; ALOHA; Accident scenarios; Consequence analysis; Simulation calculation

目 录

摘 要



1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1苯乙烯的性质和用途 1

1.1.2苯乙烯储罐火灾爆炸危险特性分析 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容 6

1.4 可燃液体储罐泄漏事故后果 8

1.4.1 泄漏模型模拟分析 8

1.4.2 池火灾模型分析 10

1.4.3 VCE模型分析 11

1.4.4 BLEVE机理 11

1.5 研究方法 12

1.5.1 ALOHA 软件简介 12

1.5.2 ALOHA 软件的主要功能 12

1.5.3 ALOHA软件的优点 14

1.5.4 ALOHA 软件的应用步骤 14

第二章. 苯乙烯储罐泄漏事故模拟

2.1 事故背景 16

2.2 ALOHA 软件模拟泄漏数据 18

2.2.1 泄漏量及速率 18

2.2.2 1h后中毒危险区域 19

2.2.3 在罐区外围处危险浓度THREAT AT POINT: 20

2.2.4 在厂区办公区中毒危险浓度区域 21

第三章. 池火灾模拟数据

3.1基本数据 23

3.2液池火灾事故模拟数据结果分析 28

第四章. 储罐VCE事故及BLEVE后果模拟

4.1 苯乙烯VCE事故 30

4.2 蒸气云闪火及爆炸事故模拟结果 31

4.2.1 模拟计算过程 31

4.2.2 泄漏对配电间的影响 33

4.3 BLEVE 34

第五章 结论

5.1 中毒事故模拟 36

5.2 池火灾事故模拟 36

5.3 蒸汽云爆炸 36

5.4 BLEVE爆炸模拟 37

5.5 综述 38



1.1 研究背景





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