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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 安全工程 > 正文


 2022-01-24 16:34:10  


摘 要




关键词:数据挖掘 航空事故 聚类分析 关联规则

Application of Data Mining Technology in Aviation Accident Analysis


In recent years, the proportion of air transportation in transportation has been continuously increasing, and aviation safety has also received much attention. At present, most of the research on aviation accidents is biased towards the writing of accident investigation reports. The traditional statistical reporting method can no longer match the high-speed development of aviation.

Aviation accident data is massive and multidimensional. This paper uses data mining method to analyze the internal structure and relevance of selected data samples, and uses R language as a mining tool. Using the word cloud clustering method to find the high-frequency vocabulary contained in the accident investigation reports of different accident types; The K-Means algorithm was used to cluster the distribution of casualties in aviation accidents around the world in 2016; The frequent itemsets and association rules of selected data samples are obtained by using Apriori algorithm, and it is found that the support and improvement between the aircraft flight phase and the rules resulting from the two attributes of death are the highest.

This paper uses data mining method to cluster analysis and correlation analysis of past aviation accident data, and finds out the intrinsic structure characteristics of text and numerical type data and the correlation between aviation accident attributes, proving that data mining is an effective tool to help analyze aviation accident.

Key words: Data mining; Aviation accidents; Clustering analysis; Association rules

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3研究内容 3

第二章 数据挖掘与R语言概述 4

2.1数据挖掘的简要概述 4

2.1.1 数据挖掘的定义 4

2.1.2 数据挖掘的功能 4

2.1.3 数据挖掘的思路 5

2.1.4 数据挖掘的结果 6

2.2 R语言简析 6

第三章 航空事故数据来源与数据采集 7

3.1 航空事故数据来源 7

3.2数据采集方法 9

3.2.1开放数据库 9

3.2.2 用计算机编程或人工整理获取网页数据 9

第四章 发现航空事故数据的内在结构 11

4.1基于K-Means算法的航空事故数据聚类分析 11

4.1.1 K-Means算法的原理与步骤 11

4.1.2 K-Means算法在R的实现与可视化 12

4.1.3 K-Means算法结果分析 15

4.2基于词云图的航空事故调查报告分析 15

4.2.1词云聚类的基本原理 15

4.2.2词云聚类在R的实现与可视化 16

4.3.3词云聚类结果分析 17

第五章 航空事故数据属性间的关联性分析 18

5.1 简单关联规则的基本概念 18

5.1.1 简单关联规则的分析对象 18

5.1.2 简单关联规则的表现形式 18

5.1.3 简单关联规则的有效性 19

5.2 基于Apriori算法的航空事故数据关联性分析 19

5.2.1 Apriori算法的原理与步骤 19

5.2.2 Apriori算法在R的实现与可视化 20

5.2.3 关联结果分析 25

第六章 成果与展望 26

6.1成果 26

6.2展望 27

参考文献 28

附录一 30


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