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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 安全工程 > 正文


 2022-01-05 21:46:57  


摘 要

目前我们国家的钢铁产能供远大于求,钢铁企业的发展前景不太乐观。我们国家高炉渣的利用率从整体上来说较低,很多高炉渣被弃置,既浪费了土地资源,又破坏了环境,且绝大多数的高炉渣都被用来制成水泥、微晶玻璃、矿渣棉之类的低附加值产品,这类产品不足以帮助企业改善形势,由于高炉渣主要成分为氧化钙、氧化镁、三氧化二铝和二氧化硅,且其包含的M2 金属离子的摩尔数与M3 的摩尔数的比值在二到五这个范围内,正是由于这种结构上的特殊性,使高炉渣可以制备类水滑石。类水滑石的用处非常多,涉及催化、离子交换、吸附剂、医药等很多方面,最重要的是其市场价格远远高于水泥、微晶玻璃等产品,对帮助企业提高经济效益有很大的作用。


关键词:高炉渣 类水滑石 高附加值

Preparation of Hydrotalcite-like Compounds from Blast

Furnace Slag


At present, the supply of iron and steel production capacity in our country is far greater than the demand, and the development prospect of iron and steel enterprises is not very optimistic. In our country, the utilization rate of blast furnace slag is relatively low on the whole. Many blast furnace slag is abandoned, which wastes land resources and destroys the environment. Moreover, most of blast furnace slag is used to make low value-added products such as cement, microcrystalline glass and slag cotton, which are not enough to help enterprises improve the situation. Because the main components of blast furnace slag are calcium oxide, magnesium oxide and three Aluminum oxide and silicon dioxide, and the ratio of the number of divalent metal ions and the number of trivalent metal ions contained in them is between two and five. Because of this special structure, the blast furnace slag has the conditions for preparing hydrotalcite like. Hydrotalcite like is not only widely used, the most important is that its market price is far higher than cement, glass ceramics and other products, which plays a great role in helping enterprises to improve economic efficiency.

In this experiment, the influence of pH value, aging time and aging temperature on the synthesis of hydrotalcite like materials from blast furnace slag was studied by means of X-ray diffraction and control variable method. The results show that the synthesis of hydrotalcite like materials with pH of 12, aging time of 6 hours and aging temperature of 80 ℃ has the highest crystallinity, which is the most suitable experimental condition.

Keywords: Blast Furnace Slag; hydrotalcite-like compounds; high added value


摘 要 II

Abstract III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 高炉渣的简介 3

1.3.1 化学组成 3

1.3.2 生产工艺 4

1.4 类水滑石简介 5

1.4.1 性质 5

1.4.2 合成工艺 6

1.4.3 应用 6

第二章 高炉渣合成类水滑石的实验方法及试剂 9

2.1 实验器材 9

2.1.1 实验用到的仪器 9

2.1.2 实验药品 9

2.2 原料及实验的预处理 9

2.2.1 高炉渣的成分 9

2.2.2 高炉渣的酸浸 10

2.3 实验步骤 10

第三章 高炉渣基类水滑石的制备及表征 12

3.1 材料物相测试原理及方法 12

3.2 类水滑石的制备 12

3.2.1 pH值对高炉渣合成类水滑石结构的影响 12

3.2.2 陈化温度对高炉渣制备类水滑石结构的影响 13

3.2.3 陈化时间对高炉渣合成类水滑石结构的影响 14

第四章 总结 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景




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