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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 安全工程 > 正文


 2021-10-27 22:22:01  

摘 要






According to statistical data analysis, there are endless fires on campus, and it is extremely necessary to prevent campus fires. With the development of society and the progress of the times, college libraries are becoming more intelligent and multifunctional. As an important venue for colleges and universities to carry cultural heritage and provide space for activities, the library has a high concentration of personnel and a large number of internal equipment. It also stores various books and materials and is also equipped with various electronic equipment. Therefore, there is a high fire load. The identification of fire hazard sources has become the basis of research. However, domestic research on library fire protection system design is limited, and a practical system design plan is needed for reference.

This article takes the library of Nanhu Campus of Wuhan University of Technology as the research object. The library covers an area of about 47,000 square meters, is about 36 meters high, and has a collection of 2.2 million books. The building is equipped with a book collection area, a reading area, an electronic reading space, a small auditorium, a toilet, a water room, etc. The plan layout is a "back" shape structure with an empty space in the atrium.

This article takes Wuhan University of Technology Nanhu Campus Library as the research object, and systematically analyzes its basic building conditions. It systematically analyzes the sources of fire danger from five aspects: human, machine, object, method, and environment. Prevent and control fires. First of all, this article introduces the general situation of library engineering, natural conditions, geographic location of traffic, and the flow of people, and provides basic preparations for the next quantitative research and design of the library fire protection system. Then according to the basic requirements of relevant regulations, fire protection design and evacuation design, fire water extinguishing system design, automatic fire alarm system design and smoke prevention and exhaust system design are carried out. Finally, the system analyzes the source of fire danger, and provides a comprehensive theoretical basis for fire prevention and control.

Keywords:library in college;conflagration;fire protection system design; hazard source


摘要 i

Abstract ii

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 课题的主要任务和设计内容 2

1.2.1 设计目标 2

1.2.2 设计内容 2

1.3 论文架构 3

第二章 图书馆概况 5

2.1 设计依据与原则 5

2.2 工程概况 5

2.3 自然条件 6

2.4 交通地理位置 6

2.5 人流量及密度 7

第三章 建筑防火与疏散 8

3.1 建筑防火设计 8

3.1.1 防火区间设计 8

3.1.2 防火材料设计 10

3.2 安全疏散设计 11

3.2.1 安全疏散基本原则 11

3.2.2 影响安全疏散的主要因素 11

3.2.3 安全出口设置 11

3.2.4 安全应急照明装置与疏散指示标志的设置 12

3.2.5 安全疏散距离 13

3.2.6 允许疏散时间及安全疏散时间计算 13

第四章 建筑消防给水灭火系统设计 18

4.1 建筑工程消防给水系统 18

4.1.1 建筑工程消防用水量 18

4.2 消火栓灭火系统设计 19

4.2.1 消火栓给水系统说明 19

4.2.2 消防用水量的确定 20

4.2.3 室内消火栓的设置及选用 20

4.2.4 消防水泵及水泵接合器设计 22

4.2.5 水泵接合器 23

4.2.6 室外消火栓设计 23

4.2.7 灭火器配置 23

4.3 自动消防大空间智能喷淋系统 24

4.3.1 布网设计 24

4.3.2 步骤设计 25

第五章 建筑火灾自动报警系统设计 26

5.1 自动报警及联动控制系统设计规定 26

5.2 系统保护对象等级划分 26

5.3 火灾探测器的选择 28

5.3.1 探测器的选择依据 28

5.3.2 适合建筑的探测器种类 28

5.3.3 火灾探测器的设置规定 29

5.4 火灾自动报警系统的工作原理 29

5.5 报警区域与探测区域划分 30

5.5.1 报警区域划分规定 30

5.5.2 报警区域划分 30

5.5.3 探测区域划分规定 30

5.5.4 探测区域划分 30

5.6 火灾探测器的数量 30

5.7 手动火灾报警按钮、消火栓按钮的设置及楼层显示器设置 31

5.7.1 手动火灾报警按钮、消火栓按钮设置 31

5.7.2 楼层显示器设置 31

5.8 消防联动控制 31

5.8.1 消防联动控制的概念及意义 31

5.8.2 消防联动控制系统 31

第六章 建筑消防防排烟系统设计 34

6.1 防排烟系统 34

6.1.1 概念及作用 34

6.1.2 建筑防排烟方式 34

6.2 防烟分区划分 34

6.2.1 防烟分区 34

6.2.2 分区划分 34

6.3 自然防排烟系统设计 35

6.4 机械防排烟系统设计 35

第七章 火灾危险源分析 37

7.1 火灾危险源类型分析 37

7.2 火灾危险源辨析 37

7.2.1 人的不安全行为 37

7.2.2 物的不安全状态 38

7.2.3 环境的不安全因素 38

7.2.4 管理缺陷 38

第八章 结论 39

参考文献 40

附录 41

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