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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 安全工程 > 正文


 2021-10-26 22:36:01  

摘 要





Because of the inconsistency between the place of origin and the place of demand of dangerous chemicals, most of them involve the problem of transportation in different places. During the transportation, due to the driver's negligence, the collision of two vehicles, climate, road and other reasons, the dangerous chemicals transportation vehicle will leak and explode, causing huge casualties, property losses and environmental pollution. It is very important to design on-board safety early warning system to monitor the status of drivers, vehicles and dangerous chemicals, and detect abnormal conditions in time.

In this paper, taking Chusheng brand tanker as the object, taking GPS technology, sensor technology, infrared thermal imaging technology and wireless communication technology as the technical means, a safety early warning system with GPS, sensor, camera, infrared imager, Hawkeye and wireless control terminal as the main hardware is designed. This design mainly uses GPS, sensor, Hawkeye and so on to obtain the data of the tank car, uses wired transmission and ZigBee short-distance wireless communication technology to transmit the data to the vehicle terminal, which judges and warns the data, at the same time, the vehicle terminal uses 4G wide area network to transmit the data to the monitoring center, realizing the dual monitoring and warning of the terminal and the monitoring center.

Key words: sensor; wireless communication; vehicle terminal; monitoring and early warn


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 本文的研究内容及安排 3

1.4 研究技术路线 3

第二章 关键技术分析 4

2.1 GPS技术 4

2.2 传感技术 4

2.3 红外热成像技术 5

2.4 无线通信技术 5

第三章 硬件设计与分析 7

3.1 系统总体方案设计 7

3.1.1 车辆信息介绍 7

3.1.2 安全预警系统设计方案 8

3.2 GPS模块 8

3.3 传感器模块 9

3.3.1 安装位置设计 10

3.3.2 安装种类选择 10

3.4 泄漏检测模块 14

3.5 防疲劳驾驶模块 14

3.5 激光测距模块 15

3.6 无线通信模块 15

3.7 无线控制终端模块 16

第四章 安全预警系统功能设计 18

4.1安全预警系统的结构整体功能 18

4.2预警机制设计与分析 18

4.2.1 GPS模块 18

4.2.2 传感器模块 19

4.2.3 疲劳驾驶监控模块 22

4.2.4 车尾距离预警 22

4.2.5 泄漏检测预警 22

4.3 监控中心预警分析 22

4.3.1 监控中心组成 22

4.3.2 监控中心功能 23

结论与展望 25

参考文献 26

附录A 28

附录B 29

附录C 30

附录D 34

致谢 36

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题研究的背景和意义


危品运输车发生的严重事故主要是泄漏和爆炸,往往这两种事故都不是孤立发生的。事故发生的原因多种多样,主要有:天气恶劣、交通事故、驾驶人员状态不佳、车辆设备故障、路面情况等等。对危化品车辆安装安全防护装置、加强运输过程中的监管能有效减少事故的发生,目前市场上现有的危化品车辆仅装有定位导航系统、测速限速装置、危化品运输的类别标记装置等法律法规所规定的安全防护装置,缺少一个综合性的主动安全预警系统[3]。例如,由于运输车缺少主动安全预警系统,未对槽罐车胎压进行实时监测,2014年4月8日12时许,一辆运输汽油的槽罐车右后轮胎爆胎,车辆进而侧翻并起火,事故造成车内两人死亡 [4](如图1.1);由于运输车缺少主动的防追尾监控预警系统,无法实时预警,2019年3月19日凌晨,滨州高新区319省道与高十路交叉口处一辆砂石车追尾一辆装载环己酮的罐车,造成环己酮泄露燃烧,一人死亡(如图1.2)。

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