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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 安全工程 > 正文


 2021-04-05 13:11:37  

摘 要






In ship fire accident, the emergency evacuation of personnel has always been a focus of accident research. Generally speaking, ships have the characteristics of sealing, complex structure and narrow space. When fire accident occurs, smoke shading generated by combustibles will greatly affect the evacuation speed of personnel, resulting in more serious casualties and property losses. At present, most of the research on personnel evacuation is based on the overall evacuation for the purpose of exploring more efficient evacuation methods, and there are few existing studies on the behavior of individuals in accidents. This paper is based on this point to study the micro behavior rules of personnel under the condition of smoke shading.

Firstly, this paper summarizes the special psychology and behavior of the personnel in the accident state, introduces the characteristics of the evacuation of the personnel in the accident on the ship and the evacuation of the personnel on the ground, and analyzes the factors affecting the evacuation of personnel on the ship, especially the smoke shading factors. Then based on evacuation simulation experiment, the researchers of evacuation behavior rule, in the evacuation simulation experiments, smokeless and flue gas shading conditions are the main factors, hull setup method Angle, smoke curtain is secondary research factors, through analysis the evacuation of the experimental data obtained the evacuation rate, population density and evacuation time and the evacuation of the relationship between the individual; In addition, the paper also takes Anylogic software simulation evacuation experiment as an auxiliary to verify the behavior rules of personnel evacuation. Finally, according to the conclusions obtained in the study, the microscopic behavior rules of personnel under the condition of smoke shading were summarized at the end, some Suggestions were put forward for the evacuation process, and some prospects were made for further research in the future.

In this paper, involving human dynamics, psychology, geometry, topology and so on many knowledge domains, by using the literature survey method, observation method, behavior method, comparative research methods such as the smoke evacuation behaviors of shading conditions to do the research, the flue gas shading is obtained in different regions of the influence of different level and personnel evacuation this conclusion, and it is concluded that the different individual special behaviors under the condition of the flue gas shading. In view of the movement law of personnel under the condition of smoke shading, this paper makes some Suggestions on the evacuation of personnel under the condition of fire, and forecasts the future research.

Key words: fire; Smoke shading; Evacuation of personnel; Behavior rules


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究内容 1

1.4 论文基本结构及技术路线 1

1.4.1 论文基本结构 1

1.4.2 技术路线 1

第二章 紧急情况下人员行为的研究 1

2.1 影响船舶人员疏散的因素 1

2.1.1 人因素 1

2.1.2 船舶因素 1

2.1.3 环境因素 1

2.1.4 管理因素 1

2.2 紧急情况下的人员撤离 1

2.3 人员在紧急情况下的心理 1

2.3.1 趋光性和向阔性 1

2.3.2 归巢性 1

2.3.3 从众性 1

2.3.4恐烟性 1

2.3.5 悲观绝望 1

2.3.6 幻觉 1

2.4 人员在紧急情况下的特殊行为 1

2.4.1折返行为 1

2.4.2恐慌行为 1

2.4.3抱群行为 1

第三章 客船疏散模型研究 1

3.1 模拟实验介绍 1

3.1.1 建立实验模型 1

3.1.2实验概述 1

3.1.3烟气及遮光条件下人员行为规律研究实验 1

3.1.4实验工况表 1

3.2 实验数据处理 1

3.2.1 人员疏散时间分析 1

3.2.2人员疏散速度的数据处理 1

3.2.3 走廊人群密度规律研究 1

3.3 疏散实验结果及结论 1

第四章 船舶人员疏散模拟 1

4.1 Anylogic建模 1

4.1.1建立模型 1

4.1.2实验设定 1

4.2软件模拟概况 1

4.3模拟结果分析 1

第五章 总结与展望 1

5.1总结 1

5.2 展望 1

参考文献 1

致谢 1

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

近年来,随着全球经济的飞速发展,水上客货运输与此同时也获得了迅猛地发展,但由此造成的各种安全隐患导致的事故也屡见不鲜,给人民生命财产带来了巨大的损失,以至于造成非常恶劣的社会影响[1]。2015 年 6 月 1 日,东方之星沉船事件之后,如何高效安全疏散船员和乘客问题,成为目前船舶研究的热点。在多次事故惨痛的教训下,我们能够发现在轮船水上交通系统中还有很多安全隐患,为此研究人员通过各种途径设法对轮船发生的事故进行研究,只不过由于轮船事故不同于一般意外事故,事故发生在水面之上,水上情况复杂,而一般来说轮船上的结构也不尽相同,如果进行实际的模拟实验,实验人员的安全问题难以保障,而建立相应的实验模型可以很好的解决以上问题,因此客船应急疏散模型的研究具有非常重要的现实意义[2]


1.2 研究意义


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