2020-07-11 18:20:40
摘 要
关键词:丙烯腈 储罐 平面设计 安全设施
This article is a safety design for a 4000m3 acrylonitrile tank area. Acrylonitrile is commonly used in the industry for plastics, rubber, and insecticides, and is widely used in home appliances, the automotive industry, and clothing for daily use. Acrylonitrile is flammable and explosive. After it leaks, it forms an explosive mixture with air. A large amount of acrylonitrile leaks can cause serious casualties and environmental pollution. This must be an intrinsically safe design of the acrylonitrile tank area. Under the premise of taking into consideration the technical feasibility, advanced nature, and economic rationality, combining the physical and chemical properties of acrylonitrile, risk analysis and design of storage tanks and corresponding equipments are designed through risk analysis. , and design the fire protection system for the tank area. Finally, the safety assessment of the designed tank area is mainly based on the Dow Chemical method, and the safety inspection table and the accident tree method.
Key words: Acrylonitrile Storage tank Graphic design Safety Facilities
第一章、概述 1
1.1丙烯腈理化特性及危险特性 1
1.1.1丙烯腈理化特性 1
1.1.2丙烯腈危险特性 1
1.2设计任务 2
第二章、丙烯腈储罐的设计 3
2.1丙烯腈储罐选型 3
2.1.1丙烯腈储罐类型选择 3
2.1.2丙烯腈储罐材质选择 4
2.1.3丙烯腈储罐工艺条件 4
2.1.4丙烯腈储罐罐底结构选择 4
2.1.5氮封系统和呼吸阀 4
2.2丙烯腈储罐设计 5
2.2.1丙烯腈储罐基础参数设计 5
2.1.2丙烯腈储罐壁厚计算 5
2.3附件设计 8
2.3.1防雷、防静电设计 8
2.3.2高液位报警器 8
2.3.3温度计 9
2.3.4液位计 9
2.2.5带芯人孔 9
2.3.6梯子与平台 9
2.3.7导向防转装置 10
2.4附件汇总及安装位置 10
第三章、丙烯腈储罐总平面设计 11
3.1厂区内总平面布置 11
3.1.1消防车道设计 11
3.1.2 办公用房 11
3.1.3 门卫 12
3.1.4 发配电间 12
3.1.5 泵房 12
3.1.6 消防泵房 12
3.1.7 事故收集池 12
3.1.8 备用配件库 13
3.3防火间距及防火堤设计 13
3.2.1储罐区防火间距 13
3.2.2丙烯腈罐区防火间距 14
3.3.3 防火堤的选型 14
3.3.4 防火堤尺寸的确定 15
3.4总平面布置说明 16
3.5丙烯腈罐区消防系统设计 16
3.5.1泡沫灭火系统 16
3.5.2灭火器选型 17
3.5.3水喷雾装置 17
3.6 罐区防雷设计 20
3.6.1罐区公共功能区域防雷设计 20
3.6.2罐区办公区域防雷设计 21
第四章、危险有害因素辨识及安全对策和措施 22
4.1丙烯腈危险特性介绍 22
4.2重大危险源辨识 22
4.3 主要危险有害因素及对策措施 23
4.3.1容器爆炸FTA分析 23
4.3.2 中毒和窒息 25
4.3.3高处坠落 26
4.3.4触电 26
4.3.4车辆伤害 26
第五章、 丙烯腈储罐区安全评价 28
5.1安全检查表 28
5.2道化学评价法 29
5.2.1火灾爆炸危险指数 30
5.2.2安全措施补偿 31
5.2.3工艺单元危险分析汇总 31
5.2.4丙烯腈储罐区重大事故模拟分析 32
5.2.5结论 33
第六章、 设计总结 34
参考文献 35