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 2020-05-06 16:48:23  

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2. 参考文献

[1] Klocke, F., et al., Turbomachinery component manufacture by application of electrochemical, electro-physical and photonic processes. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2014. 63(2): p. 703-726. [2] Naghashnejad, M., N. Amanifard, and H.M. Deylami, A predictive model based on a 3-D computational approach for film cooling effectiveness over a flat plate using GMDH-type neural networks. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014. 50(1): p. 139-149. [3] Zhao, L. and T. Wang, An Experimental Study of Mist/Air Film Cooling on a Flat Plate With Application to Gas Turbine Airfoils-Part I: Heat Transfer. Journal of Turbomachinery-Transactions of the Asme, 2014. 136(7). [4] Bunker, R.S., A review of shaped hole turbine film-cooling technology. Journal of heat transfer, 2005. 127(4): p. 441-453. [5] Rajurkar, K.P., M.M. Sundaram, and A.P. Malshe, Review of Electrochemical and Electrodischarge Machining. Procedia CIRP, 2013. 6(0): p. 13-26. [6] Wang, C.-C., et al., Recast layer removal after electrical discharge machining via Taguchi analysis: A feasibility study. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2009. 209(8): p. 4134-4140. [7] Mohd Abbas, N., D.G. Solomon, and M. Fuad Bahari, A review on current research trends in electrical discharge machining (EDM). International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2007. 47(7-8): p. 1214-1228. [8] Jahan, M.P., M. Rahman, and Y.S. Wong, A review on the conventional and micro-electrodischarge machining of tungsten carbide. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2011. 51(12): p. 837-858. [9] Ho, K. and S. Newman, State of the art electrical discharge machining (EDM). International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2003. 43(13): p. 1287-1300. [10] Wansheng, Z., et al., Ultrasonic and electric discharge machining to deep and small hole on titanium alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2002. 120(1): p. 101-106. [11] Lee, H.T. and T.Y. Tai, Relationship between EDM parameters and surface crack formation. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2003. 142(3): p. 676-683. [12] Sen, M. and H. Shan, A review of electrochemical macro-to micro-hole drilling processes. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2005. 45(2): p. 137-152. [13] Rajurkar, K.P., et al., New Developments in Electro-Chemical Machining. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 1999. 48(2): p. 567-579. [14] Lauwers, B., et al., Hybrid processes in manufacturing. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2014. 63(2): p. 561-583. [15] Nguyen, M.D., M. Rahman, and Y.S. Wong, Simultaneous micro-EDM and micro-ECM in low-resistivity deionized water. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2012. 54: p. 55-65. [16] Nguyen, M.D., M. Rahman, and Y.S. Wong, Modeling of radial gap formed by material dissolution in simultaneous micro-EDM and micro-ECM drilling using deionized water. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2013. 66(0): p. 95-101. [17] Nguyen, M.D., M. Rahman, and Y.S. Wong, Transitions of micro-EDM/SEDCM /micro- ECM milling in low-resistivity deionized water. International Journal of Machine Tools Manufacture, 2013. 69: p. 48-56. [18] Nguyen, M.D., M. Rahman, and Y.S. Wong, Enhanced surface integrity and dimensional accuracy by simultaneous micro-ED/EC milling. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2012. 61(1): p. 191-194. [19] Yin, Q., et al., Research of lower tool electrode wear in simultaneous EDM and ECM. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014. 214(8): p. 1759-1768. [20] Kurita, T. and M. Hattori, A study of EDM and ECM/ECM-lapping complex machining technology. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2006. 46(14): p. 1804-1810. [21] Shin, H.S., et al., Surface finishing of micro-EDM holes using deionized water. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2009. 19(4): p. 1-7. [22] Zeng, Z., et al., A study of micro-EDM and micro-ECM combined milling for 3D metallic micro-structures. Precision Engineering, 2012. 36(3): p. 500-509.

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