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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程 > 正文


 2020-04-15 17:35:09  

摘 要






关键词:摄像机标定 图像增强 图像分割 滤波

Establishment of coordinate system of target object based on image recognition


Image recognition is the process of processing and recognizing images using computers. It has a wide range of applications in today's industrial automation. Applying image recognition to machine manufacturing is equivalent to adding eyes to traditional manufacturing, which provides a way to achieve smart manufacturing. In order to better improve the precision that can only be manufactured, machine vision technology has been introduced.

In this paper, the image processing and feature recognition methods are used to establish a coordinate system for a given target, which provides follow-up support for the calibration and detection of subsequent targets. The main research work is as follows:

(1) The image acquired from the camera is compared and analyzed by correlating image processing techniques and algorithms such as grayscale, image enhancement, image segmentation, etc., and methods with better processing effects, including histograms, are selected. The graph normalization, histogram bimodal method and Canny operator edge detection successfully identify the edge of the object in the image, and use the least squares method to establish the coordinate system with the center of the bearing in the image as the origin.

(2) Using Matlab's own calibration program, the camera is calibrated, the internal and external parameters of the camera are calculated, and the distortion of the image is eliminated.

(3) Using Matlab's GUIDE tool to design a graphical user interface, image processing functions such as image graying, image enhancement, image segmentation, etc., and the coordinate system of objects with circular edges.

Key words: Camera calibration; Image enhancement; Image segmentation; Filtering

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract ii

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究目的和意义 1

1.2发展现状 1

1.2.1国外发展现状 1

1.2.2国内发展现状 2

1.3技术路线和章节内容 3

第二章 图像处理基础 4

2.1摄像机标定 4

2.1.1摄像机标定模型 6

2.1.2摄像机标定方法 6

2.1.3摄像机标定结果 7

2.2成本估算 8

2.3图像预处理 9

2.2.1彩色图像灰度化 9

2.2.2图像二值化 9

2.4灰度直方图 10

2.5本章小结 11

第三章 图像增强 12

3.1直方图均衡化 12

3.2灰度变换 13

3.3直方图规定化 14

3.4空域滤波增强 15

3.4.1平滑滤波器 15

3.4.2中值滤波器 16

3.5频域滤波增强 17

3.5.1低通滤波器 17

3.5.2高通滤波器 19

3.6本章小结 21

第四章 图像分割与坐标系的建立 22

4.1边缘检测 22

4.2阈值分割 25

4.2.1直方图双峰法 26

4.2.2迭代法 26

4.3区域生长法 27

4.4目标物体的坐标系 28

4.5图形用户界面 29

4.6本章小结 31

第五章 总结与展望 32

5.1总结 32

5.2展望 32

参考文献 33

附录 35

致谢 57

第一章 绪论










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