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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程 > 正文


 2020-04-15 16:56:46  

摘 要


此课题的研究方向是在solid works软件中进行齿轮减速器的建模以及在 3D 打印机中进行打印。首先根据计算过程,对齿轮减速器进行三维建模,在这里选用的三维建模软件是solid works。由于3D打印机工作能力有限,打印出的模型精度不高,所以要对复杂的齿轮减速器模型进行简化处理以便于打印机打印,简化后的减速器模型只有上箱体、下箱体、输入轴、中间轴、输出轴和齿轮;接着将建好的模型以 STL 的格式导入Simplify3D软件使其生成3D Model Files文件,用SD 卡拷入打印机后进行打印;最后对所有打印好的零件进行装配。

关键词:FDM3D打印 齿轮减速器 solid works三维建模

Design of Motion Mechanism Based on FDM3D Printing


3D printing technology, also known as rapid prototyping technology, refers to the format files (STL., etc.) saved in the computer are printed into physical parts by 3D printer equipment.Firstly, the construction of the model is completed in the modeling software, and then the 3D printer is used to use different printing consumables (PLA, ABS, metal powder, etc.) through different printing nozzles. Finally, the 3D entity of parts is established. The difference with the traditional manufacturing process lies in that the manufacturing process of traditional manufacturing is mostly the manufacturing of reduced material, while the manufacturing process of 3D printing is additive manufacturing, and the parts are made by stacking raw materials. Due to the flexibility of printing and the low loss of raw materials in the manufacturing process, 3D printing industry has gained more and more recognition and is widely used in a variety of industries.

In this research, gear reducer is modeled by the software solid works and printed in 3D printer. Firstly, complex gear reducer should be simplified in order for ease of modeling and printing. The simplified gear reducer have a upper box, a lower box, a input shaft, a intermediate shaft,a output shaft and three gears. Secondly, the simplified gear reducer is modeled by three-dimension. Choose the software solid works to build model. Thirdly, the models are guided into the software Simplify3D in the format of STL so that 3D Model Files files can be generated. Lastly, all printed parts are assembled properly.

Key Words: FDM3Dprintint, Gear reducer, 3D modeled by solid works

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目 录 错误!未定义书签。

第一章 绪论 1

1.1国内外研究现状 1

1.1.1 3D打印的基本原理 1

1.1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 基于FDM3D打印打印减速器的研究内容 4

1.2.2基于FDM3D打印打印的运动机构设计的具体步骤 5

1.3 本文的主要内容 6

第二章 FDM3D打印的基本原理以及减速器的计算说明 7

2.1 减速器的基本选型与计算 7

2.1.1 各级传动比分配 7

2.1.2 齿轮传动的设计 8

2.1.3 轴的初算 8

2.1.4 装配图整体布局 12

第三章 减速器的三维建模及调整 14

3.1 各零件solid works建模图 14

3.2 三根轴的装配 17

3.2.1 高速轴的装配 17

3.2.2 传动轴的装配 18

3.2.3 低速轴的装配 18

3.3 箱体与轴的修改 19

3.3.1 上箱顶与下箱体的修改 19

3.3.2 三根轴的修改 20

第四章 FDM3D打印基本步骤以及耗材分析 22

4.1 圆锥圆柱齿轮减速器的打印步骤 22

4.2 3D打印机介绍 24

4.2.1 3D打印机图示 24

4.2.2 3D打印机的产品参数 25

4.3 利用FDM3D打印机打印步骤 27

4.3.1 打印前的准备 27

4.3.2 模型打印完成后 28

4.4 打印实物图 29

4.5 FDM3D打印耗材分析 32

4.5.1 聚乳酸(PLA) 32

4.5.2 ABS塑料 34

4.5.3 两种打印耗材的对比与思考 35

第五章 总结与展望 37

5.1 箱体的处理 37

5.2 减速器的选择 37

5.3 减速器的改进 37

参考文献 37

致谢 40

第一章 绪论


1.1.1 3D打印的基本原理


图1-1 FDM3D打印原理图



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