2022-01-11 20:52:12
摘 要
关键词:气浮导轨 静态性能优化 动态性能优化 气膜刚度
Structural design and dynamic and static performance optimization of air floating guide rail for ultra precision CNC machine tools
In the 20th century, when the CNC machine tool pursues higher machining accuracy, the air floating guide rail was separated completely by a thin film of air through the introduction of air between the table and the guide rail, thus greatly reducing the friction between the table and the guide rail. Based on SL series of high performance aerostatic guideway, this paper designs an independent aerostatic guideway to make its dynamic and static performance meet the intended use requirements. It mainly includes the following aspects:
First of all, this paper studies the aerostatic guideway from the aspect of statics, calculates the stress and strain of the aerostatic guideway under the action of external force through workbench, and finds that the static performance of the aerostatic guideway can be improved by reducing the length of the middle of the worktable and the length of the two ends of the guideway.
Secondly, through the analysis module of workbench, the dynamic performance of air flotation guide is studied. Firstly, the fluent module is used to simulate the gas film, and then the bearing capacity of the gas film is obtained. Finally, the stiffness of the gas film is obtained through the bearing. It is found that the stiffness of the gas film increases with the decrease of the thickness of the gas film.
At last, the moving state of the air flotation guide rail under various frequencies is obtained by modal module, which can avoid the frequency coincidence of the natural frequency and the external force of the system, or increase the structural stiffness to its dynamic performance.
On the basis of the above research, according to the design parameters, determine the structural dimension parameters of the air flotation guide, and complete the overall design of the air flotation guide.
Key words: air flotation guide; static performance optimization; dynamic performance optimization; air film stiffness
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 IV
第一章 绪论 6
1.1 课题研究背景与研究意义 6
1.2 国内外发展状况 7
1.2.1 气体润滑技术的研究 8
1.2.2 气浮导轨的研究与应用 8
1.2.3 气浮平台的研究 9
1.3 课题研究目的和主要内容 10
1.3.1 课题研究目的 10
1.3.2 课题研究主要内容 11
第二章 气浮导轨模型的建立 12
2.1 气浮导轨的结构 12
2.2 气浮导轨模型的建立 12
第三章 气浮导轨的静态性能分析与优化 14
3.1 工作台静态分析过程 14
3.2 工作台静态分析结果 15
3.3 导轨静态分析结果 16
第四章 气浮导轨的动态性能分析与优化 17
4.1 气浮导轨的气膜刚度求解 17
4.2 节流器参数对气膜刚度的影响 18
4.3 气膜刚度的分析 19
4.4 气浮导轨的模态分析 20
4.4.1 模态分析过程 20
4.4.2 模态分析结果 20
第五章 经济性评价 23
第六章 总结 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26
现如今,数控机床有以下几个大的发展方向:1.更快实现更好的加工 2.加工绿色化 3.加工智能化 4.追求更高的加工精度 5.追求更高的加工效率[[3]]。对于超精密数控机床而言,通过优化机床的结构设计、采用要求更高的加工方法、采用更加优秀的加工工艺等方法,可以提高数控机床加工的几何精度、形状精度、位置精度,从而减少所加工出的零件的形状误差以及表面粗糙度。精密加工指加工精度为1-0.1μm和表面粗糙度Ra为0.2-0.025μm的加工方法。超精密加工则是指获得的加工精度小于0.1μm,表面粗糙度小于0.025μm的加工方法[[4]]。从精密加工逐步过渡到到超精密加工,是每一个工业国转变为工业强国的必由之路,是必须经历和不可跳跃的。一个国家只有不断的提高其加工精度才能提高其加工能力,进而能够提高其工业能力。1996年,以美国为首的西方国家共同签署了《瓦森纳协定》,这项协定禁止了签署国对未签署国出口各种被限制的产品,以达到垄断技术的目的。毫无疑问,这项协定的主要目标就是中国[[5]]。高档数控机床和关键的零部件也在《瓦森纳协定》中,虽然中国制造业门类齐全,但是中国毕竟属于后发国家,短短40年的改革开放还是比不了西方国家上百年的技术积淀的;此外,如今的世界是全球化的世界,一个国家不可能也没有必要掌握所有的东西,俗话说术业有专攻。所以如今的当务之急是提高我国的超精密、高精密数控机床的制造能力,减小对国外的依赖程度,尽可能地提高自身的研发与制造的能力。