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 2020-05-06 16:43:36  

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2. 参考文献

[1] Sharghi-Moshtaghin R, Kahn H, Ge Y, et al. Low-Temperature Carburization of the Ni-base Superalloy IN718: Improvements in Surface Hardness and Crevice Corrosion Resistance[J]. Metallurgical Materials Transactions A, 2010, 41(8):2022-2032. [2]J Buhagiar, A Spiteri, M Sacco, et al. Augmentation of crevice corrosion resistance of medical grade 316LVM stainless steel by plasma carburising[J] . Corrosion Science, 2014, 59(6):169#8211;178. [3]J.L. Jones, M.G. Koul, J.J. SChubbe, An Evalution of the corrosion and mechanical performance of interstitially surface-hardened stainless steel, J.Mater. Eng. Perform. 23 (2014) 2055#8211;2066. [4] 周阳.低温气体渗碳对奥氏体不锈钢耐蚀性能影响及在双极板中的应用[D]. 南京工业大学, 2017. [5] J. Buhagiar, H. Dong, Corrosion properties of S-phase layers formed onmedical grade austenitic stainless steel, J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Med. 23 (2012) 271#8211;281. [6] M. Mochizuki, Control of welding residual stress for ensuring integrity against fatigue and stress-corrosion cracking, Nucl. Eng. Des. 237 (2007) 107#8211;123. [7] Rong D S, Jiang Y, Gong J M. Residual stress in low temperature carburised layer of austenitic stainless steel[J]. Metal Science Journal, 2016, 33(3):277-284. [8] 荣冬松, 巩建鸣, 姜勇, 等. 奥氏体金属低温超饱和气体渗碳表面强化试验装置:, CN103323355A[P]. 2013. [9] 荣冬松, 姜勇, 巩建鸣. 奥氏体不锈钢低温超饱和渗碳实验及热动力学模拟研究[J]. 金属学报, 2015(12):1516-1522. [10] 高峰,巩建鸣,姜勇,等. 316L奥氏体不锈钢低温气体渗碳后的表面特性[J]. 金属热处理,2014,39(12):102-106. [11] Rong D S, Jiang Y, Gong J M. Residual stress in low temperature carburised layer of austenitic stainless steel[J]. Metal Science Journal, 2016, 33(3):277-284. [12]李朋, 潘邻, 张良界,等. 奥氏体不锈钢渗C层的组织及耐蚀强化性能研究[J] . 表面技术, 2013, 42(4). [13]W. Tillmann, E. Vogli, S. Mohapatra, A new approach to improve SCC resistance of austenitic stainless steel with a thin CrN film, deposited by cathodic vaccuum arc deposition technique, Surf. Coat. Technol. 202 (2007) 750#8211;754. [14]梁成浩. 镍对304不锈钢在NaCl溶液中缝隙腐蚀行为的影响[J]. 腐蚀科学与防护技术, 1999, 20(3):147-151. [15]李美英, 崔荣星, 魏亚秋. 两种典型不锈钢的缝隙腐蚀敏感性对比研究[J]. 当代化工, 2008, 37(2):119-121. 请同学参考以上文献,继续独立查阅文献并补充

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