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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2020-04-15 17:39:43  

摘 要





关键词: I-II复合型裂纹 有限元 J积分 T应力 拘束度


Defects or cracks in engineering structures often exist in a composite mode. Many scholars have carried out extensive and in-depth research on type I and I-II mixed mode fracture, which laid a foundation for applying the research results of type I and composite fracture to engineering practice. However, the existing research results are still insufficient to fulfill the needs of the project. Therefore, in order to provide more references for engineering applications, and to further develop the study of I-II mixed mode fracture, the fracture behavior of CS specimens with I-II mixed mode cracks has been deeply studied and discussed in this paper through theoretical analysis and finite element simulation. The main research work and achievements are as follows:

(1) A series of analysis of crack-free cruciform specimens were carried out by finite element method. The results show that the number and length of grooves have an effect on the stress ratio in the central test area of CS specimens. When the number of slots is fixed, the stress ratio increases with the increase of slot length, and when the slot length is fixed, the stress ratio increases with the increase of slot number. With the outward displacement of the path,the stress ratio increases. Through the calculation and analysis, when the number of grooves is 5 and the length of grooves is 5 mm, the stress ratio in the central test area is the closest to the theoretical value of 0.5.

(2) The fracture parameters of the crack tip of CS specimens with mixed mode I-II cracks under biaxial loading were studied by theoretical analysis and finite element calculation. The results show that the numerical solution of the linear elastic model is in good agreement with the theoretical solution. T-stress value has a linear relationship with biaxial loading ratio λ. When the crack angle is 0°and 30°,the value of T-stress is negative. The value of T-stress increases gradually with the gain of the crack angle; when the crack angle is 45°, the value of T-stress is equal to 0; and the value of T-stress is positive when the crack angle is 60°and 90°. The value of T-stress falls gradually with the increase of the crack angle. The value of J-integral increases with the growth of biaxial loading ratio λ,and the range of variation increases with the raising of crack angle.

(3) The J-integral, stress triaxiality h and stress field at the crack tip of CS specimens with a central crack are analyzed by finite element method. The results show that the linear elastic fracture theory is no longer applicable when the crack tip of the specimen undergoes large-scale plastic deformation. The J-integral of crack tip decreases with the growth of loading ratio when the value of β=90°. The J-integral of crack tip enhances gradually with the increase of loading ratio when βlt;90°. At the same loading angle, J-integral increases with the loss of crack inclination angle. When the loading ratio is small, the stress triaxiality first falls off and then gains with the increase of the crack inclination angle. When the loading ratio is large, the stress triaxiality increases with the reduction of the inclination angle of the crack (except for β=0°and 15°). The stress triaxiality increases with the growth of loading ratio (except for β=0°and 15°). In addition, the stress triaxiality of each specimen is the same under equiaxed loading, which is independent of the crack inclination angle.

Key words: mixed mode I-II crack;finite element;J-integral;T- stress;constraint


摘要 I

Abstract III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景及研究意义 1

1.2 I型裂纹问题研究现状 2

1.3 I-II复合型裂纹问题研究现状 3

1.4双轴载荷断裂研究现状 4

1.5研究内容及方法 5

第二章 双轴载荷CS试样的设计 7

2.1 引言 7

2.2有限元模型 7

2.3不同因素对中心测试区应力比的影响 10

2.3.1开槽长度的影响 10

2.3.2开槽数目的影响 12

2.4 小结 14

第三章 双轴载荷作用下含I-II复合型裂纹CS试样线弹性断裂行为研究 15

3.1引言 15

3.2有限元模拟 15

3.3含中心裂纹CS试样T应力分析 17

3.3.1 T应力理论解 17

3.3.2 T应力有限元解 18

3.4含中心裂纹CS试样J积分分析 18

3.4.1 J积分理论解 18

3.4.2 J积分模型解 20

3.5含中心裂纹CS试样应力场分析 21

3.6小结 25

第四章 双轴载荷作用下含I-II复合型裂纹CS试样弹塑性断裂行为研究 27

4.1引言 27

4.2有限元模型 27

4.3含中心裂纹CS试样的J积分分析 27

4.4 含中心裂纹CS试样的拘束度分析 28

4.4.1拘束度参数 28

4.4.2 计算结果 29

4.5含中心裂纹CS试样应力场分析 35

4.6 CS试样线弹性及弹塑性断裂参数对比分析 38

4.7 小结 39

第五章 总结与展望 40

5.1 结论 40

5.2 后续工作展望 41

参考文献 42

致谢 46

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题背景及研究意义





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