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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2020-04-15 17:33:53  

摘 要


本课题需要掌握船用WP18L风冷活塞式压缩机的工作原理,查阅相关文献了解压缩机总体设计[4]、热力计算[5] [6]、动力计算[7]、结构特点[8]、设计方法及其压缩机各个部件的选择和强度校核。绘制机器各个部分的零部件图和装配总图。尽可能的设计制造打破陈规的旧型的压缩机,而且有较高的运转经济性,结构方案和布置合理。然后经过测试和强度校核,考核设计的正确性。

关键词:压缩机 能源消耗 压缩效率 强度校核


The premise of precious energy, how to reduce energy consumption has become the common goal and problem of all walks of life , in today's world. It is an important step in the development of compressor innovative design of compressor, and the important change is the main structural form of reforming compressor equipment. It is an important step in the development of compressor. It is urgent to reform the main structure of compressor equipment and create a new type of piston compressor. Therefore, large capacity, high compression efficiency and long service life, and manufacturing according to serialization, generalization and standardization are the most important tasks. In order to improve the compression efficiency of compressors, the speed limit, compression dynamic limit and operation fatigue strength limit are also increased.

This subject needs to master the working principle of marine WP18L air-cooled piston compressor, consult relevant literature to understand the overall design, thermal calculation, power calculation, structural characteristics, design method and the selection and strength check of compressor components. Draw parts and assembly drawings of each part of the machine. New materials, new technologies and new structures should be adopted as far as possible, and the operation economy is high. The structure scheme and layout are reasonable. After testing and strength checking, the correctness of the design is checked.

Key words: Compressor energy consumption compression efficiency intensity check


船用WP18L型风冷活塞式压缩机的设计 I

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1压缩机所具有的结构部件 1

1.2活塞压缩机的机构原理 1

1.3压缩机分类 2

第二章 热力计算 4

2.1 已知计算参数 4

2.3 4

2.4 气缸形成容积的计算和选择 5

2.5 计算气体活塞力 7

2.6 计算轴功率和选用电机 8

第三章 动力计算 9

3.1热力计算确定的相关数据和结构参数 9

3.2 压缩机动力计算步骤 9

3.2.1 初步确定数据参数 9

3.2.2 机构运动质量等效 10

3.2.3 各种作用力的计算 10

第四章 气缸部分的设计与计算 12

4.1 气缸 12

4.2 气阀的计算和选用 12

4.2.1 气阀的基本要求 13

4.2.3气阀的计算 13

4.3 活塞组件 18

4.3.2 活塞材料的选择 18

4.3.3 活塞结构尺寸的确定 19

4.3.4活塞环结构尺寸确定 20

4.4经济评价 21

投资估算 21

毕业结语 23

参考文献 25

致谢 27

第一章 引言





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