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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2022-07-12 22:25:38  


摘 要


第一章 概述 5

1.1 催化燃烧 5

1.2 催化燃烧设备 5

第二章 催化燃烧反应器的设计计算 7

2.1 设计参数 7

2.2 结构设计 7

2.3 强度计算 9

2.3.1.塔体壁厚计算   9

2.3.2.封头强度计算 10

2.3.3.开孔补强计算 12

2.3.4.筒体的稳定性校核 14

2.3.5.裙座的轴向稳定性校核 14

2.3.6.座圈的压应力校核 14

2.3.7. 水压试验应力校核 15

第三章 板式换热器的设计计算 17

3.1板式换热器的发展简史 17

3.2 板式换热器的整体结构 18

3.3板式换热器的优缺点及应用 20

3.3.1优缺点 20

3.3.2应用 22

3.4板式换热器工艺计算 23

3.4.1设计的工艺条件 23

3.4.2 设计计算 23

3.4.3法兰的选择 26

第四章 结论与展望 27

致 谢 29

参考文献 30

摘 要








From 1949 the United States developed the world's first catalytic combustion device to now, catalytic combustion technology has been widely used in paint, rubber processing, plastic processing, resin processing, leather processing, food industry and the casting industry and other sectors, but also for automobile exhaust gas purifying etc.. China started in 1973 for the catalytic combustion exhaust treatment enameled oven organic waste, followed by an insulating material, the printing industry and other aspects of the study, the catalytic combustion method has been widely used. Catalytic combustion in the catalytic combustion reaction is carried out in the device, the low temperature turbine exhaust gas to be treated with a catalytic combustion process, exhaust gas heat exchange in the heat exchanger, the low temperature exhaust gas to be treated after heating by the electric heater to 320 about ℃, after heating the exhaust gas fed to the catalytic combustion reactor to remove organic components in the exhaust gas. After the high-temperature exhaust gas catalytic combustion treatment will transfer heat to low exhaust after treatment, after washing scrubber exhaust vent from the exhaust scrubber chimney into the atmosphere. The main contents of this technical report are as follows:

(1) describes the reaction of catalytic combustion, catalytic combustion equipment, lay the foundation for the catalytic combustion equipment design.

(2) catalytic combustion reactor, heat exchanger technology calculations to determine the size of the process equipment, process operating parameters and a full set of construction drawings.

(3) catalytic combustion reactor design, structural design by a known design parameters and reference "Process Equipment Design", GB150-2011 "Steel Pressure Vessel" standards, strength calculation and check.


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