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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2022-02-13 20:09:00  


摘 要

质子交换膜燃料电池(Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, PEMFC)因具有能量转换率高、零排放无污染和功率密度高等优点有非常好的应用前景。硅橡胶弹性体垫片是PEMFC的主要组件之一,长期处于PEMFC内部的酸性环境并承受压缩载荷作用,要求弹性体垫片材料具有良好的机械稳定性和抗疲劳性能。如果弹性体垫片材料损伤将会直接影响PEMFC安全稳定的工作。因此在模拟PEMFC环境下,研究硅橡胶弹性体垫片材料的疲劳行为和机械性能对PEMFC的安全稳定运行具有重要意义。


(1) 基于PEM燃料电池弹性体垫片的特点和使用工况,制备了弹性体垫片材料,并配制了模拟燃料电池环境的老化溶液。

(2) 通过屈挠龟裂实验和压缩疲劳温升实验研究硅橡胶材料在模拟燃料电池环境下的疲劳行为,结果表明,试样的老化时间,老化溶液的浓度对试样的抗屈挠性能和疲劳温升有重要影响,随着老化时间的延长、老化溶液浓度的增大,材料出现针刺点的时间变早,龟裂疲劳破坏所需的千周数也越短。材料的疲劳温升也逐渐变大,材料的永久变形也随之增大。

(3) 拉伸应力应变和压缩应力松弛机械性能的试验结果说明,试样的老化时间、老化溶液的浓度对材料的机械性能有重要影响,随着老化时间的延长、老化溶液浓度的增大,试样的抗拉强度不断减少,压缩应力松弛模量不断减少。说明在老化溶液的作用下,材料的机械性能损伤加剧。

关键词:PEMFC 弹性体垫片 硅橡胶 化学损伤 疲劳行为 机械性能


Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) has broad application prospects due to its advantages such as high efficiency, zero pollution and high power density. Silicone rubber elastomeric gasket material, as one of the important components of PEMFC, is exposed to acid environment and subjected to mechanical compressive load. It is required for the elastomeric gasket material to have good mechanical stability and fatigue resistance. If the elastomeric gasket degrades, it directly affects the safety and stability of the PEMFC operation. Therefore, it is important to study the fatigue behavior and mechanical properties of silicone rubber elastomeric gasket materials in simulated PEMFC environments for the safety and stability operation of the PEMFC.

In this paper, the experimental methods and analysis techniques were used to study the changes in fatigue behavior and mechanical properties of silicone elastomeric gasket materials in a simulated PEMFC environment. The main research work and the conclusions are as follows:

  1. Based on the working condition of gasket used in PEM fuel cell, a gasket material and a simulated PEM fuel cell environment solution were prepared.
  2. The fatigue behavior of silicone rubber material under simulated fuel cell environment was study through flexural cracking test and compression fatigue temperature rise test. The results show that the exposure time and the acidic concentration of the simulated solution have an important effect on the flexural resistance and fatigue temperature rise of the sample. With the increased of exposure time and the acidic concentration of test solution, the time for acupuncture on the material become early, and the number of thousands of weeks required for fatigue cracking is also become shorter. The fatigue temperature rise of the material become larger gradually, and the permanent deformation of the material also increased.
  3. Experimental results of mechanical properties of tensile stress strain and compressive stress relaxation show that the exposure time, the acidic concentration have a significant influence on the mechanical properties of the material. With the increased of exposure time and the acidic concentration of test solution. The tensile strength of the specimen decreased gradually, and the compressive stress relaxation modulus continuously decreased. This results indicate that after exposure to simulated solution, the degradation of the mechanical properties of the material was further aggravated.

KEYWORDS: PEMFC; Elastomeric Gasket; Silicone Rubber; Chemical Degradation; Fatigue Behavior; Mechanical Properties

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.1.1课题来源及背景情况 1

1.1.2 课题研究目的及实际价值 2

1.2 燃料电池概述 2

1.2.1 PEM燃料电池的组成及原理 2

1.2.2 PEM燃料电池的发展动向 3

1.3垫片材料概述 4

1.3.1垫片材料简介 4

1.3.2弹性体材料老化损伤后材料的疲劳特性分析 4

1.4 本课题主要的研究内容 6

第二章 模拟PEM燃料电池溶液配制及垫片材料制备 7

2.1引言 7

2.2 模拟老化溶液的配制 7

2.2.1模拟溶液的浓度 7

2.2.2溶液的配制方法及体积计算 8

2.3 PEM燃料电池垫片材料配方设计 9

2.3.1 原材料的选取 9

2.3.2 硅橡胶垫片材料配方 9

2.4 垫片材料试样制备方法 10

2.4.1 炼胶 10

2.4.2材料硫化特性参数测定 11

2.4.3 硫化 12

2.5本章小结 13

第三章 PEM燃料电池硅橡胶垫片材料疲劳性能的研究 14

3.1引言 14

3.2 弹性体材料屈挠龟裂疲劳性能的测定 14

3.2.1实验研究目的 14

3.2.2 实验材料准备及实验装置 14

3.2.3 实验步骤 16

3.2.4 实验结果及结论 17

3.3 弹性体材料压缩温升疲劳特性的测定 18

3.3.1实验研究目的 18

3.3.2 实验材料及实验装置 19

3.3.3 实验步骤 19

3.3.4 实验结果及结论 20

3.4 本章小结 22

第四章 PEM燃料电池硅橡胶垫片材料机械性能的研究 23

4.1 引言 23

4.2橡胶材料机械性能测试及结果分析 23

4.2.1 拉伸应力应变试验 23

4.2.2压缩应力松弛性能的测定 26

4.3本章小结 27

第五章 总结展望及经济评价 28

5.1总结 28

5.2展望 28

5.3 经济评价 29

5.3.1 投资估算 29

5.3.2 资金筹措 29

5.3.3 所需费用明细 29

参考文献 31

致 谢 34

第一章 绪论






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