基于AutoCAD VBA的谐波齿轮减速器出图系统研发毕业论文
2021-07-13 00:00:36
摘 要
Harmonic drive this new transmission mode, with the rapid development of science and technology development. Because the harmonic drive has the advantages of large transmission ratio, small size and high transmission accuracy, it has been used in the rocket, missile, satellite and other aircraft to achieve his superiority. Now, this drive technology has from the spacecraft, aircraft applications spread quickly to the atomic, radar, communication, shipbuilding, metallurgy, automobiles, tanks, machine tools, instruments, prevent, construction, transportation, medical equipment and other departments. Taking AutoCAD as a development platform, using VBA secondary development tools, the establishment of the one based on AutoCAD environment of the harmonic gear reducer of drawing system can real-time and efficient generation of harmonic gear reducer of the components of 2D drawings. Simplify the drawing process, reduce repetitive work, so that the staff is not boring mechanical drawing, to reduce the thinking of fatigue, more important is to give full play to the advantages of CAD fast and accurate. This system is mainly composed of 3 parts: human computer interaction interface, parametric drawing program and database. The use of the system can greatly improve the working efficiency of the harmonic gear reducer designers.
Keywords: Harmonic gear;reducer; VBA; drawing system
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 国内外研究现状 1
1.2 论文工作目的及意义 2
1.3 论文主要内容 3
第2章 谐波齿轮减速器的总体设计 4
2.1确定传动方案 4
2.2传动比的计算及钢轮柔轮的齿数模数 6
2.3柔轮和刚轮的材料 6
2.3.1柔轮材料 6
2.3.2刚轮材料 8
2.3.3凸轮材料 8
2.4 波发生器的形式及几何参数,确定原始曲线方程 8
第3章 谐波齿轮减速器的具体尺寸设计 11
3.1 选定主要啮合参数 11
3.1.1基准齿形角 11
3.1.2变位系数 11
3.1.3径向变形量系数 11
3.1.4 齿廓工作段高度 11
3.2 柔轮和刚轮的主要几何尺寸 11
3.3 齿廓啮合干涉验算 12
3.4 保证传动正常工作性能的条件 12
3.5 柔轮,刚轮和波发生器的结构设计 12
3.5.1柔轮和刚轮 12
3.5.2波发生器 15
3.5.3保持器 16
3.5.4 凸轮 17
3.6 承载能力计算 17
3.6.1失效形式 17
3.6.2轮齿工作表面耐磨计算 18
3.6.3柔轮的疲劳强度计算 18
3.7 传动效率的计算 19
第4章 谐波齿轮减速机出图系统的建立 21
4.1 AutoCAD二次开发工具VBA 21
4.2出图系统的建立 21
4.3出图系统的运行 23
第5章 结 论 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 28
第1章 绪论
(1)它的结构比较简单,而且零件少,体积也很小,重量也轻。和一般的减速器传动比相比较,减小了大约一半,大小和重量也减少了1 / 3。