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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2021-03-30 20:28:11  

摘 要

Abstract II

1 绪论 1

1.1 论文的研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 论文工作的目的和意义 1

1.4 论文主要研究内容 2

2 成套螺栓螺母装配机网络化管控系统总体设计 3

2.1 成套螺栓螺母装配机网络化管控系统 3

2.2 成套螺栓螺母装配机网络化管控系统功能模块 4

2.3 成套螺栓螺母装配机网络化管控系统的网络与软件结构 4

2.3.1 管控系统网络结构设计 4

2.3.2 管控系统软件结构设计 4

2.4 本章小结 5

3 成套螺栓螺母装配机网络化管控系统硬件设计 6

3.1 成套螺栓螺母自动装配机网络化管控系统现场控制流程分析 6

3.2网络化管控系统现场控制功能模块设计 6

3.2.1 手动操作模块设计 6

3.2.2 自动操作模块设计 7

3.3网络化管控系统现场控制模块硬件设计 7

3.3.1 硬件元件选择 7

3.3.2 控制单元电路设计 9

3.4 本章小结 9

4 成套螺栓螺母装配机网络化管控系统现场控制模块软件设计 10

4.1 PLC主要I/O分配及控制流程设计 10

4.2 PLC控制流程设计 10

4.3成套螺栓螺母装配机网络化管控系统现场控制单元建模与仿真 11

4.3.1 仿真模型的建立 11

4.3.2 模型的仿真设置 13

4.3.3仿真结果分析 14

4.4成套螺栓螺母装配机网络化管控系统后台管理模块设计 15

4.4.1 后台管理模块故障自检程序设计 15

4.4.2 后台管理模块缺料自检程序设计 17

4.4.3 后台管理模块远程监控软件设计 18

4.5 本章小结 19

5 成套螺栓螺母装配机系统样机试制与功能测试 20

5.1 成套螺栓螺母装配系统测试平台搭建 20

5.2 成套螺栓螺母装配系统功能测试 21

5.2.1 装配功能测试内容与方法 21

5.2.2 管控功能测试内容与方法 21

5.3 成套螺栓螺母装配系统测试结果与分析 22

5.3.1 装配功能测试结果与分析 22

5.3.2 管控功能测试结果与分析 23

5.4 本章小结 24

6 总结 25

参考文献 26

致 谢 28

摘 要









With the rapid development of sensor technology and computer technology in China, information supervision technology has been gradually applied to the machinery manufacturing industry. At present, the domestic set of bolt and nut assembly machine in the field of automation operation, operation safety have a more mature technology, but there are still many deficiencies in information monitoring and maintenance management, which seriously hampered the set of bolts and nuts assembly machine efficiency.

This paper studied the set of bolt and nut assembly machine. Through the use of programmable control technology, network technology, and database technology, a network control system of the set of bolt and nut assembly machine was developed, which included the following aspects:

1. The functional requirements of the networked control system of the set of bolts and nuts were systematically analyzed Based on the research results of the networked pipe control system of the existing sets of bolts and nuts. The design of the networked control system of the set of bolts and nuts was carried out;

2. According to the functional requirements of each module of the networked control system, the hardware part and the software part of the networked control system of the automatic assembly machine of the bolts and nuts were designed;

3. Set up automatic assembly system test platform, completed sets of bolts and nuts automatic assembly machine network control system testing, verified the function of the system.

The research work of this paper can provide technical support for the design of the networked control system of the automatic assembly machine of bolts and nuts, and propose a better solution for the development of the networked control system of the automatic assembly machine of bolts and nuts.

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