2021-03-29 22:06:49
摘 要
Abstract II
1 绪论 3
1.1 国内外服装生产技术的发展概况及趋势 3
1.1.1 国内外服装生产技术的发展概况 3
1.1.2 服装生产技术的发展趋势 4
1.2 论文研究的目的和意义 5
1.3 论文的主要研究内容 6
2 耳仔自动化生产装置的总体方案 7
2.1 耳仔自动化生产装置的运动分析 7
2.2 耳仔自动化生产装置的传动系统设计 7
2.3 耳仔自动化生产装置的总体布局设计 8
2.4 耳仔自动化生产装置的控制系统设计 8
3 机械手的设计 10
3.1 机械手的夹取机构设计 10
3.1.1 夹取机构的常见类型 10
3.1.2 夹取分离布料的方法 12
3.1.3 夹取结构的设计 14
3.2 机械手的回转结构设计 15
3.2.1 回转结构的常见类型 15
3.2.2 回转机构的设计 16
3.3 直线送料机构 17
3.3.1 直线运动机构的常见类型 17
3.3.2 垂直送料机构结构的设计 17
3.3.3 水平送料机构的设计 18
3.4 电机的选型 19
3.4.1 垂直送料机构的电机选型 19
3.4.2 水平送料机构的电机选型 22
3.4.3 夹取机构的电机选型 23
3.5 滚珠丝杠尺寸的校核 23
3.6 滚动轴承承载能力校核 24
3.6.1 轴承静载荷校核 24
3.6.2 轴承使用寿命校核 24
4 输送辊轮机构及料仓的设计 26
4.1 输送辊轮的设计 26
4.1.1 输送辊轮的结构设计 26
4.1.2 输送辊轮电机选型 27
4.2 料仓的设计 27
5 控制系统的设计 29
5.1 控制系统的分析 29
5.1.1 控制的方式分析 29
5.1.2 控制动作分析 29
5.1.3 控制系统的操作方式 30
5.1.4 控制系统的I/O设备 30
5.2 硬件设计 30
5.2.1 PLC及其它硬件的选型 30
5.2.2 电路图的设计 31
5.3 PLC控制程序的设计 33
6 仿真 35
7 总结与展望 36
参考文献 37
致谢 I
摘 要
With the rapid development of mechanical automation, garment production automation equipment has made great progress. China,as a power clothing production country, have a lot of clothing production equipment, but in some small garment structure production can also be further improved. In the production process of clothing pants,pant ears as a fixed belt clothing structure, in the overall design of clothing plays an important role. In this paper, we have designed a device to implement the automatic feeding of the pant ears and implemented the automation of the pant ears, which greatly saved the human resources.
This paper mainly designed a robot hand and roller conveyor to simulate the operation of the manual process, and the use of PLC control technology to implement the automatic feeding of the pant ears. The detailed work of this paper is as follows:
(1) Considering the operation of the workers to manually feed, according to analyzing the artificial pant ears of the artificial process, mechanical action were designed that was the pant ears of the automated production equipment, thus it would replaces the artificial realization of automation.
(2) Considering the situation that the pant ears automation production equipment grip the fabric, whether there will be folder up or folder the multi-layer fabric, etc. The experiment should be designed to verify if these problems have been solved .
(3) Based on the mechanical principle and mechanical design, a robot hand and roller conveyor mechanism have been designed to simulate the human hand to implement automatic feeding.