2020-07-16 20:15:33
摘 要
关键词:单螺杆泵 模拟装配 接触应力 摩擦磨损实验
The pump studied in this paper is G85-2. The screw pump is composed of a metal screw and a rubber bush. Its shape is more complex and its assembly method generally uses an interference fit. In this paper, we study the screw pump used in oil production. The study of the screw pump is beneficial to prolong the life of the screw pump and reduce the cost of the user.
(1) Using pro/E to geometrically model the stator and rotor of the pump, simulate the assembly and obtain the solid model.
(2) The geometry model was imported into ANSYS. Stress analysis was performed on different interferences based on ANSYS. The interferences studied in this paper were 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6 mm, respectively. The analysis results showed that the maximum contact stress was 0.5. , 0.7, 0.9, 1.1MPa, The axial contact stress distribution rule is that the axial contact stress is unevenly distributed, the maximum contact stress is close to the input end, and the contact stress of the same semicircular belt or spiral band is unevenly distributed.
(3) Experimental study on friction and wear based on software analysis results. The experimental process is to use nitrile rubber formula, in the kneading machine for kneading, followed by vulcanization in a flat vulcanizing machine, to obtain experimental samples, in the weight, hardness measurement, and finally in the friction and wear test machine experiments, based on the contact stress The friction and wear test results are: the friction coefficient is first increased and then decreased at a stable value, the stable friction coefficient increases at 0.5-0.7MPa, the stable friction coefficient decreases at 0.7-1.1MPa, and the wear loss rate It is larger than 0.5-0.7MPa, and the contact stress becomes large, causing the rubber to drop, melt, and uneven surface. According to the theory of tribology, we explain the phenomenon that abrasive wear begins to occur on dry friction. This is due to the fact that the surface of the stator rubber cannot be set to an absolute level. Abrasive wear can damage the stator surface and cause further surface scratches. When the stress is too large, the heat cannot be dissipated during the grinding process, resulting in melting of the stator rubber and adhesive wear. Abrasive wear indicates dry friction between the rotor and the stator. Adhesion wear occurs if a large drop of the stator rubber occurs. The study of the wear of the rubber guides us to control the contact stress between the stator and the rotor during contact to avoid the screw. Pump wear, and because of the different levels of wear allow me to prevent further deterioration in the actual production process
Key Words:Single screw pump;Analog assembly;Contact stress;Friction and wear test
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1螺杆泵概述 1
1.2 螺杆泵的工作原理及发展动向 1
1.2.1螺杆泵结构 1
1.2.2转子在定子中的运动规律 2
1.2.3螺杆泵工作原理 2
1.3国内外螺杆泵的研究现状 2
1.4本文研究内容 2
第二章 基于PRO/E单螺杆泵几何建模 5
2.1单螺杆泵的转子几何建模 5
2.2单螺杆泵的定子几何建模 8
2.3单螺杆泵的定子与转子的装配 10
2.4小结 11
第三章 螺杆泵的接触应力分析 12
3.1导入模型 12
3.1.1导入模型 12
3.1.2设置单元类型 13
3.1.3定义材料 13
3.2划分网格 13
3.3接触面的建立 15
3.4小结 19
第四章 螺杆泵定子材料的摩擦磨损性能试验及其分析 20
4.1 定子橡胶摩擦磨损理论 20
4.2 试验对象和设备 20
4.3摩擦磨损试验 21
4.3.1 试验步骤 21
4.3.2 实验内容 22
4.4试验数据处理和结果分析 23
4.5 本章小结 26
第五章结论与展望及经济评价 27
5.1 本文结论 27
5.2关于螺杆的展望 27
5.3经济评价 28
参考文献 29
致谢 31
第一章 绪论
螺杆泵作为最具代表性的举升设备,其诞生由来已久。在上世纪20年代的时候,法国人莫尔开始致力于对螺杆泵的研究,经过大量的研究和实验,最终产生了全世界范围内首个单螺杆水力机械采油螺杆泵。至此,螺杆泵正式被人们所认识。到了30年代的时候,以美国为首的发达国家开始投入对杆泵原理的研究之中,最终成功的拿到了专利权。由此开始批量生产螺杆泵。他们在生产过程中对螺杆泵技术的改进与研发,使它在工业应用方面得到了广泛使用。井下潜油电动机作为动力源是40年代美国首先发明的,螺杆泵的工业应用是由smith international在50年代开始的,他们将螺杆泵用于开发钻井用的钻具上,苏联科学家在60年代使用单螺杆泵采油系统用于井下原油的举升,由于成本高,最后没能在石油工业中大范围的使用,由于石油开采的迫切需要使得美国,德国等国家研发了地面驱动螺杆泵,其优良的机械性能,廉价的成本使得它到了大规模应用。80年代的时候,我国正式从国外引入了螺杆泵设备,并开始投入使用。后来,通过对螺杆泵的充分了解和研究,我们开始自主研发形成独立自主的生产工厂,90年代,我国开始研究地面驱动螺杆泵,形成了多种系列产品,并得到推广运用[4-7]。