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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2020-07-15 21:09:44  

摘 要



关键词:省煤器 烟气冷却 余热 烟气冷却器 节能


In recent years, with the continuous progress of national economy, demand for electricity becomes larger and larger, while coal fired power generation is the main way of electricity production. Therefore, problems related to coal combustion and global environment are becoming increasingly prominent. Under this background many thermal power plants have invested their flue gas desulfurization systems and controlled effectively sulfur oxides actual emissions using scientific flue gas desulfurization technology however the flue gas desulfurization system was controlled reasonably by thermal power plants. Traditional desulfurization processes are mostly desulfurization by wet desulfurization process thus producing lots of wastewater containing desulfurization wastewater and lots of heavy metals ions in wastewater which can cause serious environmental pollution due to untreated wastewater treatment without treatment. That's what we don't want to see. Therefore, society should attach great importance to treatment problem of desulfurization wastewater, so that wastewater can be discharged after discharge requirement.

Multi-effect evaporation crystallization system consists of several evaporators which consist of series of evaporator. Heating steam is used as secondary steam of prior evaporator and heating chamber of next evaporator is used as cooler of previous evaporator. Flue gas cooler is used to heat refrigerant (steam) by heating steam in boiler exhaust gas (as heating section) during desulfurization wastewater treatment process so that moisture in flue gas desulfurization wastewater can be evaporated through multi-effect and then crystallization is used to desulfurization. Using this method can recover heat generated by front end process reduce heat loss of cold end thereby improve thermal efficiency reduce coal consumption and achieve energy saving purposes.

Aiming at characteristic of boiler equipment waste heat recovery system, this paper calculates and designs scheme of flue gas cooler used for desulfurization wastewater evaporation in power plant. Heat balance calculation total heat transfer coefficient calculation of total heat transfer area calculation of resistance calculation and strength checking calculation were carried out. Drawing up layout plan equipment diagram and drawing parts of whole system.. 

Key words: Economizer Flue gas cooling Residual heat Flue gas cooler Energy saving


摘要 1

Abstract 3

第一章 绪论 7

1.1换热器 7

1.2省煤器 7

1.3 小结 9

第二章 烟气冷却器的热力计算 10

2.1安装位置的设计 10

2.2 设计方案 10

2.3 初始数据 10

2.4热平衡计算 11

2.5 总传热系数的计算 12

第三章 阻力计算 17

3.1 烟气流动阻力计算 17

3.2换热器水侧阻力 17

第四章 换热器段工艺计算 19

4.1明确设计任务 19

4.2 原始数据 19

4.3 定性温度与物性参数 19

4.4物料与热量衡算 20

4.5有效平均温差 20

4.6 换热器结构计算 21

4.7 总传热系数 22

4.8传热面积与壁温核算 22

第五章 节能效益分析 23

5.1等效标煤量Gc 23

5.2增加的能耗 23

第六章 结语 25

6.1 结论 25

6.2 展望 25

参考文献 26

致谢 28

附录 sw6校核 29

第一章 绪论










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