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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文


 2022-01-09 20:40:18  


摘 要

科里奥利质量流量计(Coriolis Mass Flowmeter,以下简称科氏流量计)是一种利用流体在流量管中流动时产生与质量流量成正比的科里奥利力原理来直接测量质量流量测量的仪表[1]。随着科氏流量计发展速度越来越快,应用领域也越来越广泛,国内外仪器厂商和高校都进行改进设计,以适应流程工业的发展要求。



Multitube Coriolis Mass Flowmeter Computer


Coriolis Mass Flowmeter (hereinafter referred to as Coriolis Flowmeter) is a device that directly measures Mass flow by using the Coriolis force principle which is proportional to the Mass flow when the fluid flows in the flow tube [1].With the popularity of Coriolis flowmeter, Coriolis flowmeter is developing faster and faster, and its application is becoming more and more widespread. Instrument manufacturers and universities at home and abroad are improving their designs to meet the development requirements of process industry.

In this paper, the straight tube Coriolis flowmeter is selected as the research object, and the Euler-Bernoulli model is selected as the flow tube model to determine the installation location of the sensor and the shaker .Coriolis flowmeter is composed of primary instrument and secondary Instrument .An instrument which sensor part, inlet side and outlet side choose magnetoelectric speed sensor measured signal, the signal disposal and collection to the CPU after processing, filtering using band-pass filter in series with trap structure Butterworth band-pass filter implementation, signal acquisition by sampling chip AD7606 synchronous implementation. The secondary instrument is the transmitter part. STM32F407 series microcontroller is used to design the secondary instrument. Hilbert algorithm is the signal processing method which is used to deal with the signal phase and frequency. The driving scheme adopts a digital driving scheme. After the sensor signal is processed by the CPU, the phase and frequency information are combined with the sinusoidal signal of DDS, and then the power is amplified and passed to the flow tube of the shaker to drive the flow rate. By the relation between the phase difference and the flow rate, the mass flow rate is measured.

Keywords: Coriolis Mass Flowmeter; Euler-Bernoulli model; Butterworth bandpass filtering; Hilbert algorithm

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 2

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

第二章 科氏质量流量计结构分析 4

2.1科里奥利力的介绍 4

2.2 科氏流量计的测量原理 4

2.3科氏流量计流量与相位关系 6

2.4科氏流量计单相流测量模型 7

2.5科氏流量计的优点 7

2.6本章小结 8

第三章 科氏流量计设计方案 9

3.1信号采集 9

3.1.1传统数据采集 9

3.1.2改进的数据采集方案 9

3.2信号滤波 10

3.2.1第一级带通滤波 10

3.2.2第二级带通滤波 11

3.3驱动方案选择 11

3.3.1模拟驱动 12

3.3.2半数字驱动 12

3.3.3数字驱动 13

3.4算法处理 13

3.5本章小结 16

第四章 科氏流量计硬件系统设计 17

4.1科氏流量计机械结构设计 17

4.1.1科氏流量计整体设计 17

4.1.2科氏流量计固定架设计 17

4.1.3流量管与基准管设计 17

4.1.4传感器选型 18

4.2科氏流量计硬件电路设计 20

4.2.1主芯片选择 21

4.2.2信号调理与采集 21

4.2.3科氏流量计驱动系统设计 23

4.2.4数模转换电路 24

4.2.5功率放大电路设计 25

4.2.6电源管理模块 25

4.2.7 RS485通信 26

4.3本章小结 26

第五章 科氏流量计软件系统设计 27

5.1科氏流量计软件总体概述 27

5.2主控制程序 27

5.3初始化模块 28

5.4信号采集模块 28

5.5信号处理算法模块 29

5.6看门狗模块 30

5.7本章小结 31

第六章 总结与展望 32

6.1总结 32

6.2展望 32

参考文献 34

致 谢 36

第一章 绪论



在诸多流量计中,科里奥利质量流量计无论是在精度还是可靠性方面都突显出一定的优势。科氏流量计的物理学理论是由法国物理学家Coriolis(科里奥利)在1835年前提出来的,因此,该测量仪表被称为科里奥利质量流量计(简称科氏质量流量计Coriolis Mass Flowmeter, CMF)[3]。在经历了几十年不断的改进设计,科氏流量计已经从单一参数检测变得具备多参数测量,其检测精度也大大提高、算法也不断优化,在当前的流量仪表行业得到众多企业的认可与青睐。由于国内市场巨大,在流程工业应用较普遍,因此,科氏流量计有着广阔的商业应用前景和发展潜力。




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