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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文


 2021-10-27 22:14:49  

摘 要







The magnetic levitation guideway based on the reluctance motor can be suspended actively with five degrees of freedom, and the gap sensor can measure the gap signal in real time and feed it back to the controller, which is the key to the active suspension with high rigidity. In this dissertation, the problem of denoising the gap measurement signal of the maglev guideway in the maglev platform is studied.

In this dissertation, the eddy current sensor, capacitance sensor and photoelectric sensor which are commonly used to measure the gap displacement are compared, and the eddy current displacement sensor with fast response speed and strong anti-interference is determined as the gap sensor.

The error and noise characteristics of eddy current displacement sensor are analyzed. Aiming at the problem that the gap measurement signal of maglev guideway contains a lot of unsteady noise, the wavelet threshold denoising method is used to denoise the gap measurement signal. Through the design of simulation experiments, the dissertation analyzes and compares the influence of the selection of wavelet basis, the setting of wavelet vanishing moment, the number of signal decomposition layers, the way of threshold acquisition and the way of threshold quantization on the effect of signal denoising. This dissertation focuses on the simulation and comparison of seven improved threshold quantization methods, and at the same time, compared with the traditional soft and hard threshold quantization methods, determines the relatively superior de-noising scheme for gap measurement signal: firstly, the signal is decomposed into 10 layers by using Sym8 wavelet. Then the general threshold is calculated, and the threshold is quantified by the ‘ThresholdFun7’ function introduced in this dissertation. Finally, wavelet reconstruction is carried out to obtain the denoising signal. Using this denoising scheme, the SNR after denoising can be more than 30dB, and the RMSE is usually less than 0.02, which has a good denoising effect.

Key words: wavelet threshold denoising; threshold quantization; maglev guide clearance;

eddy current displacement sensor


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 间隙测量位移传感器 1

1.3 研究目的及要求 2

1.4 电涡流传感器去噪国内外研究现状 3

1.5 研究内容与论文组织结构 4

1.5.1 论文研究内容 4

1.5.2 论文章节及内容 4

第2章 磁悬浮导轨间隙测量方案 6

2.1 磁悬浮导轨直线运动控制系统 6

2.2 间隙测量方案 7

2.2.1 传感器安装位置 7

2.2.2 电涡流位移传感器 8

2.2.3 speedgoat高性能实时目标机(控制器) 9

第3章 基于小波阈值去噪的位移信号去噪研究 12

3.1 电涡流传感器误差及噪声分析 12

3.2 小波变换 13

3.3 小波阈值去噪 17

3.3.1 小波分解 18

3.3.2 小波系数的阈值处理 21

3.3.3 小波重构 23

第4章 改进小波阈值去噪的位移信号去噪 24

4.1 软阈值与硬阈值 24

4.2 改进阈值量化处理方式一 25

4.3 改进阈值量化处理方式二 26

4.4 改进阈值量化处理方式三 27

4.5 改进阈值量化处理方式四 29

4.6 改进阈值量化处理方式五 29

4.7 改进阈值量化处理方式六 30

4.8 改进阈值量化处理方式七 32

第5章 仿真实验与结果分析 33

5.1 仿真信号设置 33

5.2 小波基选择 35

5.3 sym小波消失矩 37

5.4 分解层数比较 38

5.5 阈值获取方式 39

5.6 改进阈值量化方式 42

第6章 结论与展望 49

6.1 结论 49

6.2 进一步研究工作与展望 49

参考文献 51

附录A 程序源代码 53

附录A1 WaveletTest7.m 53

附录A2 WaveletTest8Rep1.m 63

致谢 68

第1章 绪论

1.1 引言

对于精密运动平台,同时实现大行程快速步进和精密定位功能非常困难,近年来磁悬浮技术的发展给这一问题带来了新的思路[1, 2]。国外的精密平台定位技术已经比较成熟,但我国在这方面的研究还有很大的发展空间。国内运用磁悬浮技术实现对精密运动平台直线运动的定位已经开展了一些研究。对于磁悬浮导轨(如图1.1)及磁悬浮直线运动平台,除了需要设计合理的机械结构外,非常依赖先进的控制系统[3]。为实现足够精准平稳的直线运动,通常需要多达8个装在运动平台内侧的高精度位移传感器,实时获取精确的间隙位移数据,进而反馈给控制系统实现运动平台沿Y、Z轴的微动以及绕X、Y、Z轴的微小转动,保证运动平台工作平面的调平及运动时的精准度等。本课题主要研究位移传感器的间隙测量信号的去噪问题。

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