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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文


 2021-05-11 20:59:24  

摘 要





Automotive Automotive steering column is the most important part, which is connected with the steering wheel and tires, a direct impact on vehicle handling, stability and security. Thus ensuring the quality of the factory steering column, it is an extremely important work. This paper analyzes the types of work the history of the steering column and the steering column and its modern outlook. And hydraulic power steering in modern automotive industry. Hydraulic analysis of the working principle of the steering column, and a combination of People's Republic of China on the work of the automotive industry standard test bed principle. On the demand analysis of the system, by comparing the IPC program and the PLC to do the next bit machine PC machine to do the host computer program to compare proposed microcontroller to do the next bit machine, PC machine to do the PC program, because single-chip functions can be competent in this system handling nuclear work, and the price is cheap, in the common market. The system and component selection with the microcontroller.

In terms of software, written in LabVIEW and use keil system, which enables the start of work by the relay control experiment station, and receiving the signal is displayed on the PC. This system can be used independently after the microcontroller to collect real-time display of the sensor voltage signal, relay control keys by stepper motor test rig and the stepper motor to the limit position, the relay is cut off by controlling the power protection system. It can also control the PC to the microcontroller. And record the data collected, with a graphical representation, and recorded in Excel, to facilitate post data analysis.

    Finally, a summary of the full text, and later automobile steering column detection system in the future.

Keywords: automobile hydraulic steering column;single-chip; the detection system

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1课题的的发展背景和意义 1

1.2转向柱的现状 1

1.3测控系统的发展现状 2

1.4本文主要研究内容 4

第二章 汽车转向柱检测系统总体设计 5

2.1汽车液压转向柱的出厂试验标准 5

2.2方案的选择 6

2.3方案分析 6

2.4测控系统硬件总体设计 6

2.5测控系统软件总体设计 7

2.6 系统成本及经济效益分析 8

2.7 本章小结 9

第三章 汽车转向柱检测系统硬件设计 10

3.1传感器的选择 10

3.1.1扭矩传感器 10

3.1.2压力传感器 10

3.1.3流量传感器 10

3.2下位机关键硬件单元设计 10

3.2.1主控单元电路 10

3.2.2电源模块 11

3.2.3LED模块 12

3.2.4矩阵键盘模块 13

3.2.5数码管模块 13

3.2.6数据采集模块 14

3.3本章小结 14

第四章 汽车转向柱检测系统软件设计 15

4.1下位机关键软件模块设计 15

4.2上位机软件设计 19

4.3本章小结 22

第五章 汽车转向柱检测系统实验及结果分析 23

5.1系统实物展示 23

5.2结果分析 24

5.3本章小结 27

第六章 总结与展望 28

参考文献 29

致谢 30

第一章 绪论







最早的汽车转向柱使用的是舵柄或者横杆,转向比是1:1,因此操作汽车转向时十分吃力。后来带有齿轮减速比的转向机构被推广应用。现在的循环球式转向器也就是在这上面改进的产物。在循环球式转向器中,在蜗杆和扇形齿轮之间嵌入了许多钢珠,钢珠大大降低了系统的摩擦力,让驾驶员在操纵汽车转向的时候变得十分轻松。70年代开始汽车厂商开始采用齿轮齿条转向机构,这种转向机构省略了转向摇臂和转向主拉杆,结构简单传动效率高,不仅如此它的逆传动 效率也高,在车辆行驶时可以使偏转车轮自动回正,还可以反馈路感。

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