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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文


 2021-04-26 22:25:09  

摘 要







This paper designed a kind of FBG vibration sensor based on the flexure hinges with a small size. First, by solving the vibration differential equation of the system to get the equation of the sensitivity and eigenfrequency. Then, choose a set of structure parameter to calculate by the equation and compare the result with the simulation result from the joint simulation of SOILDWORKS and COMSOL. Finally, conduct the experiment of the implemented vibration sense to calibrate the performance. It can be a reference to realize the implement of the FBG vibration sensor in small-size and medium-high frequency response. The designed sensor has many superiorities, such as the immunity to electromagnetic fields, the stability to work in harsh environment and the ability to multiplex a large number of sensors, making it possible to complement each other’s advantages with electric sensor.

This paper mainly studied the design of the optical fiber one-dimensional vibration sensor with the feature of small size and medium-high frequency response. Combine the fiber grating sensing principle and the vibration theory to give the equation of sensitivity and eigenfrequency. By simulation and experiment to verify the equation so as to calibration the performance.

The experiment result are as follows: the sensitivity is 9.92 pm/g; the maximum linearity in 500Hz is 0.51%; the transverse response amplitude is about 8.23% of that in the work direction; eigenfrequency is about 2000Hz, and the working band ranges with 1000Hz.

This paper footing the requirements of engineering practice, using the method of combining theory and experiment, verified the performance of the designed sensor by the three aspects of formula, simulation and experiment.

Key Words:fiber Bragg grating; vibration sensor; flexure hinge; Medium-high frequency response

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 设计任务与目的意义 1

1.2 国内外研究概况 1

1.2.1 传统振动传感器研究现状 2

1.2.2 光纤光栅振动传感器研究现状 2

1.3 问题分析与任务分析 4

1.4 拟采用的技术方案及措施 5

1.4.1 技术路线 5

1.4.2 设计方案及选择 5

第2章 光纤光栅振动检测理论 7

2.1 引言 7

2.2 光纤光栅传感基本原理 7

2.3 光纤光栅振动检测原理 9

2.4 光纤光栅轴向振动特性 11

2.5 本章小结 14

第3章 基于柔性铰链的光纤光栅小型振动传感器设计 15

3.1 引言 15

3.2 模型设计 15

3.3 数值分析与结构设计 21

3.4 仿真分析 22

3.4.1 仿真模型的建立以及预处理 22

3.4.2 仿真结果及分析 23

3.5 本章小节 24

第4章 振动传感器实验测试与参数优化 25

4.1 传感器加工及制作 25

4.2 实验设备以及数据处理 26

4.2.1实验设备及连接 26

4.2.2 数据处理 27

4.3 实验过程及实验结果 28

4.4.1 动态特性实验 28

4.4.2 静态特性实验 28

4.4.3 横向灵敏度实验 30

4.4实验误差分析 32

4.5 本章小结 32

第5章 总结与展望 33

5.1总结 33

5.2优缺点 33

5.3展望 34

参考文献 35

附录A 实验数据记录 37

附录B MATLAB程序清单 43

附录C 弹性元件图纸 46

致 谢 47


1.1 设计任务与目的意义



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