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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文

面向无人机飞控的Android 系统APP设计毕业论文

 2021-04-21 00:26:32  

摘 要


本论文采用的是DJI公司生产的经纬M100,利用其提供给的Mobile SDK进行二次开发。目前市场上常见的手机系统有安卓和苹果,此次选择安卓系统,通过谷歌公司提供的Android Studio开发平台,开发出一款可直接对无人机进行控制的APP。


关键词:无人机 Android MKobile SD 自主飞行


In recent years, with the rapid development of GPS, sensors and other technologies,UAV have grown rapidly, from the initial high-end products to the homes of ordinary people.As the UAV convenience and flexibility has been gradually applied to all walks of life, especially the military, the development of UAV is gradually becoming one of the country’s important development strategies; besides this UAV is also being used in the entertainment industry, spraying pesticides. , high-risk environment, etc.The main characteristics of the UAV can be autonomous flight, without the need for pilots to manually operate, so that the UAV can fly to a designated location and carry out special tasks through remote control.

This paper uses the latitude and longitude M100 product by DJI and uses its Mobile SDK for secondary development.At present, the common mobile phone systems on the market are Android and iOS. This time, we selected Android system. Through the Android Studio development platform provided by Google, an app that can directly control UAVs was developed.The paper briefly introduces the technical principles involved in this project and the configuration of the development environment. At the same time, it explains in detail the positioning and adding of waypoints of UAVs on the Gaode map.

Connect the phone with the remote control via USB. In the APP interface, you can set the range of UAV's flight and add the flight target. Set the speed of flight: low, medium, high, altitude, initial position, and can choose the landing or hover after the UAV flight, and the UAV's flight direction can be set independently.UAV image transmission system can be used to achieve high-altitude broadcast or shoot high-definition pictures. Through the APP, the UAV’s autonomous flight has been fully realized. There is no need to worry about landing inaccuracies and reduce the risk.

Key Words: UAV Android Mobile SDK Autonomous flight


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外发展现状 2

1.2.1 国内发展现状 2

1.2.2 国外发展现状 2

1.3 论文主要内容 5

1.3.1 论文结构安排 5

第2章 相关技术介绍 6

2.1 DJI Mobile SDK 介绍 6

2.3.1 性能介绍 6

2.1.2 UI Library介绍 7

2.2 Android 介绍 9

2.2.1 Android开发平台介绍 9

2.2.2 Android系统架构 10

2.2.3 Android Activity 生命周期 11

2.2.4 Android用户界面 13

2.3 Java开发语言介绍 13

2.3.1 Java简介 13

2.3.2 Java特点 14

2.3.3 Java开发环境 14

2.4本章小结 15

第3章 无人机自主飞行方案设计 16

3.1 大疆无人机系统模块 16

3.1.1 大疆无人机特点 16

3.1.2 无人机常见系统 16

3.2 无人机自主飞行设计方案 18

3.2.1 无人机控制原理 18

3.2.2 无人机技术方案设计 19

3.2.3 无人机应用平台开发设计方案 20

3.3 APP页面设计 21

3.4 本章小结 22

第4章 实施方案 23

4.1 配置开发环境 23

4.1.1 获取App key 23

4.1.2 新建工程 24

4.1.3 导入Mobile SDK 25

4.2 程序开发 25

4.2.1菜单布局 26

4.2.2 辅助设备设置 28

4.2.3 主程序初始化 29

4.3 无人机自主飞行任务设置 29

4.3.1 高德地图中设置无人机 29

4.3.2添加飞行标记 30

4.3.3 设置航点任务 30

4.4 自主飞行任务准备 32

4.4.1初始化任务管理器 32

4.4.2 添加航点任务 32,

4.5 任务开启与结束 32

4.6本章小结 33

第5章 总结与展望 34

5.1 本文的主要工作 34

5.2 不足与展望 34

致谢 35

参考文献 36

第1章 绪论





在移动SDK中通过Android平台进行App自主开发,实现无人机自主起飞和着陆。目前比较受欢迎的APP操作系统有两种:Android和iOS系统。对于苹果手机,如果想要下载APP,只需要到APP store中下载即可;安卓手机到自带的应用商城下载,APP store中的软件都会定时更新并且会不断的添加新的应用。随着互联网的快速发展,几乎每种产品都有自己的APP,APP里包含里所有与该产品有关的信息,不仅使用起来方便,而且还可以加深用户对产品的了解。目前市面上比较火的共享单车,如ofo、mobike、哈罗单车等,每个单车都对应一个APP,使用者只需下载注册即可扫码骑行。

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