2021-03-21 21:16:40
摘 要
论文主要研究了PCA BP神经网络和PCA 三阶近邻分类在人脸识别领域的适用性,同时在不断调试PCA主成分分量、输入样本维数、神经网络网络参数的情况下找出最佳的搭配组合,以达到最高识别率和最快识别速率的平衡。
研究结果表明:在实验室理想条件下,PCA BP神经网络表现优于PCA 三阶近邻分类器。对于PCA和神经网络算法中一些参数的选择问题,需要通过不断测试和调整才能达到最佳的识别效果。
Face recognition system has been used in loads of different industries, especially shows broad application prospects in information security, artificial intelligence, computer technology and other related areas. This paper mainly describes the design and testing process of face recognition system based on MATLAB. Firstly, principal component analysis (PCA), BP neural network classifier and third-order neighbor classifier are used to complete the recognition task of ORL(an international common face database). Then, some related parameters of feature extraction algorithm and classifiers are changed to test the recognition rate of this system. At the same time, combined with the face detection algorithm, external image from ORL can be recognized with the use of GUI. Besides, images of Yale face database are used to test the fault tolerance of the whole system.
The applicability of two combinations of algorithms in face recognition is compared in this paper, namely PCA and BP neural network, PCA and third-order neighbor classification respectively. Meanwhile, various measures have been taken to improve the experimental results, for example, changing the component of PCA and the number of input samples as well as network training parameters of BP, so as to achieve a balance between the highest recognition rate and the fastest recognition speed rate.
The research results demonstrate that BP neural network is superior to third - order neighbor classifier when being used with PCA under the ideal condition of laboratory. As for the selection of parameters of PCA and neural network algorithm, continuous tests and adjustments are needed to achieve the best recognition results.
Key Words:face recognition; PCA; BP neural network; third-order neighbor classifier
目 录
第1章 绪论1
1.1 研究背景及意义1
1.2 国内外研究进程与现状1
1.3 课题研究内容及目标2
1.3.1 课题研究内容2
1.3.2 课题预期目标3
1.4 论文组织结构3
第2章 方案论证5
2.1 总体方案介绍5
2.2 方案对比论证5
2.2.1 特征提取方法对比5
2.2.2 最终方案流程图6
第3章 图像预处理及人脸定位检测7
3.1 图像预处理7
3.1.1 灰度转换7
3.1.2 图像二值化处理7
3.1.3 图像边缘背景减小处理8
3.2 目标区域标记与裁剪9
3.2.1 目标连通区域标记9
3.2.2 标记区域裁剪及保存10
3.3 本章小结11
第4章 人脸特征提取及识别12
4.1 整体方案介绍12
4.2 PCA生物特征提取12
4.3 分类器14
4.3.1 BP神经网络14
4.3.2 三阶近邻分类器17
4.4 本章小结18
第5章 GUI界面设计19
5.1 GUI简介19
5.2 GUI界面设计及人脸识别系统的实现19
第6章 程序测试与分析23
6.1 测试人脸库介绍23
6.2 PCA BP神经网络23
6.2.1 PCA性能测试23
6.2.2 BP性能测试24
6.2.3 PCA BP参数选择29
6.3 PCA 三阶近邻分类器30
6.4 Yale人脸库容错性测试31
6.5 本章小结32
第7章 结论33
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
人脸识别技术,是指利用计算机技术对图像中的人脸部位进行检测、研究及分析后,提取图像中的特征信息用以鉴别身份的一门技术。在现实使用中,人脸识别技术不需要接触式采集人体的生物特征信息,这也就意味着其对应用环境及对象的友好性远远高于指纹等常用的识别方式[2] 。同时,现代人脸识别技术能充分保证识别精度,在这种情况下,仅需要摄像设备的单一硬件识别系统更是为用户节约了不少成本。在互联网高度发展的今天,通过软件处理人脸图像的优势并不局限于硬件成本的降低,人们通常能将其与数字监控系统、大数据存储系统无缝连接,从而形成一整套安防系统,在门禁管理、刑侦破案、视频监控等方面为用户提供更好的体验,并大大提高了系统的实用性、安全性及可靠性。