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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文


 2021-03-14 21:43:21  

摘 要

近些年来,海信电视业务发展迅猛,实现全球扩张,2016年在全球电视行业位居前三甲。其迅捷发展与越来越多的(Automatic Guided Vehicle,自动导引车)应用到电视生产中是密不可分的。电视机生产的自动化程度随着由AGV组成的柔性产线所占比越来越大而逐年提高,海信对AGV关注度也越来越大。作为自动化电视机产线的重要组成部分,AGV循迹、避障的效率和准确率很大程度上影响了整个电视生产的进程。现行的AGV采用单面避障的方式,存在探测障碍物困难、避障率低的现象,这是海信电视生产中亟待解决的问题,获得了极大关注。


(1)对智能运输小车的整体结构和基本模块进行设计,分析智能运输小车循迹功能的基本原理并选择三路循迹的方案,同时采用超声波 红外联合避障方案,对智能运输小车的基本功能进行优化。




关键词:智能运输小车;Arduino UNO;蓝牙;WIFI


In recent years, Hisense TV business is developing rapidly and expanding globally. In 2016, it has been in the top three among the global TV industry. Its rapid development and more and more AGV application to TV production are inseparable. The automation of television production increases yearly with the increasing number of flexible lines made up of AGV. Hisense is also increasingly concerned about AGV. As an important part of the automatic TV production line, the efficiency and accuracy of its trace and avoidance largely affect the whole TV production process. The existing AGV, adopting single obstacle avoidance method, occasionally has some phenomenons, like the difficulty to detect obstacles and the low rate of obstacle avoidance. It is urgent to solve these problems and has already received great attention.

This dissertation mainly talks about to adopt ultrasonic, infrared, and wireless control technology, and to design intelligent transportation vehicle application system based on Hisense TV production line AGV. Through the design of intelligent transportation vehicle model and giving up the mechanical structure, I mainly talk about how to optimize the performance of the smart transport car only form the technical aspect. And this dissertation is consisted of this following aspects:

(1) Design the overall structure and basic module of the smart transport car and analyze the basic principle of the tracing function of the trace transport car to choose the plan of three paths, at the same time, optimize the basic function of intelligent transport car by using ultrasonic and infrared joint obstacle avoidance scheme.

(2) Combined with the actual requirements of production line, design the wireless control module in order to improve the transport vehicles of flexibility and introduce bluetooth module and WIFI module as the solution for wireless control.

(3) Design and debug the functional modes of the intelligent transport vehicle to ensure that each mode realizes the expected function.

In this dissertation, I designed the intelligent transport vehicle application system, which is mainly based on the Arduino platform. It can provide the technical basis for the improvement and optimization of AGV in the production line of the Hisense TV set and help to solve the problem of low efficiency and low success rate of AGV, which can be the basis of the test of real vehicle.

Key Words: Intelligent Transport Vehicle; Arduino UNO; Bluetooth; WIFI


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 论文的研究背景及对象 1

1.2 论文主要工作的国内外现状分析 2

1.3 论文工作的目的和意义 4

1.4 论文课题来源和主要研究内容 5

第2章 电视产线智能运输小车应用系统总体结构与基本模块设计 6

2.1 总体结构设计 6

2.2 Arduino UNO 6

2.2.1 引脚说明与原理图 6

2.2.2 Arduino IDE 8

2.3 Arduino拓展板 8

2.4 电源模块 10

2.5 驱动模块 10

2.5.1 三级减速 11

2.5.2 PWM调速 11

2.5.3 驱动芯片 11

2.5.4 程序实现 12

2.6 测速模块 15

2.6.1 LM393芯片 15

2.6.2 TCRT5000红外反射传感器 16

2.6.3 测速实现 17

2.7 循迹模块 17

2.7.1 黑线循迹原理 17

2.7.2 特殊情况分析amp;循迹方案选择 18

2.7.3 程序实现 19

2.8 避障模块 20

2.8.1超声波避障模块 20

2.8.2红外避障模块 23

2.8.3 红外amp;超声波综合避障 24

2.9 本章小结 25

第3章 电视产线智能运输小车应用系统无线控制模块设计 26

3.1 无线控制模块总体设计 26

3.2 蓝牙遥控模块 26

3.2.1 模块介绍 26

3.2.2 操作说明 27

3.2.3 程序实现 27

3.3 WIFI视频控制模块 28

3.3.1 WIFI模块介绍 28

3.3.2 舵机控制的视频模块 29

3.3.3 操作说明 29

3.3.4 程序实现 29

3.4 本章小结 31

第4章 电视产线智能运输小车应用系统调试 32

4.1 模式选择 32

4.2 模式一 红外避障模式 32

4.2.1 程序实现 34

4.2.2 调试结果 34

4.3 模式二 超声波避障 35

4.3.1 程序实现 36

4.3.2 调试结果 38

4.4 模式三 红外 超声波综合避障 38

4.4.1 程序实现 38

4.4.2 调试结果 40

4.5 模式四 循迹amp;综合避障 40

4.5.1 程序实现 41

4.5.2 调试结果 41

4.6 无线模式1 蓝牙遥控模式 41

4.6.1 程序实现: 42

4.6.2 调试结果 43

4.7 无线模式2 WIFI视频遥控模块 44

4.7.1 程序实现 45

4.7.2 调试结果 47

4.8 本章小结 48

第5章 总结与展望 49

5.1 全文总结 49

5.2 研究展望 49

参考文献 50

致谢 51

第1章 绪论

1.1 论文的研究背景及对象

(Automatic Guided Vehicle,自动导引车)是一种以可充电蓄电池作为动力源的自动控制的物料运输设备,可以在某特定位置自动进行货物装载,并且自主移动到设定的目标位置,自动完成货物卸载的全自动运输装置[1]



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