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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 包装工程 > 正文


 2021-11-07 20:52:45  

摘 要






Cordyceps sinensis, as a kind of ethnic regional characteristic product, has distinct ethnic cultural characteristics and traditional health culture origin. Today, with the rapid development of the commodity economy, when people buy commodities, they not only buy the product itself, but also pay more attention to the culture and spiritual identity behind the product. As a distinctive Chinese national culture, combining Tibetan culture with Tibetan specialty products, Cordyceps sinensis, can not only increase the cultural connotation of products, but also enhance the economic value of the products. At the same time, it can promote the combination of local specialty products and ethnic regional culture. It is conducive to the spread of national culture with commodities, forming impressive national cultural symbols, promoting the economic and industrial development of the entire region, promoting national culture, increasing the popularity and market recognition of national cultural products, and realizing the rejuvenation of national brands.

This article takes the embodiment of Tibetan culture in Cordyceps sinensis packaging as an entry point and divides it into five parts to design the Tibetan Cordyceps gift box packaging. The first part first proposes the basic line of this study by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of common ethnic cultural products. The second part analyzes and analyzes the Tibetan cultural materials such as history, religion, clothing, and architecture, and extracts a large number of distinctive cultural symbols. The third part puts forward three different Cordyceps sinensis gift box packaging schemes of Tibetan cultural style, and selects the cordyceps gift box scheme in the form of disease detection and hand gift for further design. The fourth part completes the series design of the cordyceps sinensis gift box from the structure to the decoration in the form of a visiting gift with a hand gift, and completes the drawing of the relevant structural drawing, decoration drawing and rendering. The fifth part completes the design of product VI publicity tri-fold pages, brochures, posters and exhibition boards, and designs related VI derivatives. This design comprehensively uses the knowledge of packaging materials, packaging technology, packaging structure, packaging and decoration design, transportation packaging, packaging psychology, etc. to skillfully combine Tibetan culture and Cordyceps gift box packaging to achieve the mutual function of packaging function and product culture unite.

In the process of designing the packaging of Cordyceps sinensis gift boxes in Tibetan cultural style, this article fully extracts the artistic style and characteristics of Tibetan culture, organically combines Tibetan cultural elements with Cordyceps products, deeply digs into Tibetan culture, and shows the distinctive regional characteristics of the products. It plays a role in publicizing products and places of production, improves the identification and added value of commodities, promotes the development of industries in minority areas, increases income in minority areas, and promotes national unity. The design of the Cordyceps sinensis gift box packaging at the same time is conducive to deepening the spread of ethnic culture, enhancing consumer recognition of ethnic cultural products, and enriching the market choices of gifts and health products for people.

Key Words:Tibetan culture;Cordyceps sinensis;gift packaging

目 录

第1章 绪论 8

1.1 研究背景 8

1.2 研究目的 8

1.3 研究意义 8

1.4 国内外研究现状分析 9

1.5 设计基本内容 12

1.6 设计目标 12

1.7 技术路线 12

1.7.1 设计方案 12

1.8 论文框架 13

1.9 小结 13

第2章 藏族文化风格冬虫夏草包装方案设计 14

2.1 转经筒形状的冬虫夏草包装方案设计 16

2.2 吉祥八宝符号的冬虫夏草包装设计 18

2.3 探病伴手礼的冬虫夏草礼盒设计 19

2.4 本章小结 21

第3章 藏族文化风格冬虫夏草包装具体设计 22

3.1 冬虫夏草口服液部分包装结构设计 22

3.1.1 冬虫夏草口服液内包装结构设计 22

3.1.2 冬虫夏草口服液中包装结构设计 23 冬虫夏草口服液中包装内部尺寸的计算 23 冬虫夏草口服液中包装制造尺寸的计算 23 冬虫夏草口服液中包装外部尺寸的计算 24

3.2 冬虫夏草部分包装结构设计 25

3.2.1 冬虫夏草包装内部尺寸的选定 25

3.2.2 冬虫夏草包装制造尺寸的计算 25

3.2.3 冬虫夏草包装外部尺寸的计算 26

3.3 天珠部分包装结构设计 27

3.3.1 天珠包装内部尺寸的选定 27

3.3.2 天珠包装制造尺寸的计算 27

3.2.3 天珠包装外部尺寸的计算 28

3.4 探病伴手礼形式的冬虫夏草礼盒外包装设计 28

3.4.1 礼盒包装材料选择 28

3.4.2 礼盒内部尺寸、外部尺寸和制造尺寸的设计计算 28

3.5 探病伴手礼形式的冬虫夏草礼盒的运输包装设计 29

3.5.1 运输包装的材料选择 29

3.5.2 运输包装内部尺寸、外部尺寸和制造尺寸的设计计算 29 运输包装的内部尺寸计算 29 瓦楞纸箱的制造尺寸计算 30 瓦楞纸箱的外部尺寸 31

3.6本章小结 31

第4章 藏族文化风格冬虫夏草包装装潢设计 32

4.1 品牌logo设计 32

4.1.1 元素来源 32

4.1.2 设计释义 32

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