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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 包装工程 > 正文


 2021-10-28 20:31:19  

摘 要







The main research object of this paper is the efficiency test device of the electric drive axle. The drive axle is an important component of the vehicle transmission system, which plays an important role in reducing the speed and increasing the torque, ensuring that the wheels can turn at different speeds, carry and transmit the torque. Improving its transmission efficiency is of great significance to improve the power performance of the vehicle and improve the fuel economy of the vehicle. Therefore, the drive axle efficiency test-bed is designed and tested to obtain the transmission efficiency value of the drive axle. According to the experimental data, the relevant research is carried out, the efficiency equation of the drive axle is established, and the existing theoretical efficiency model of the drive axle is corrected, so that the research and Practice are closer, and the optimization design of the drive axle is further deepened, which improves the fuel economy of the vehicle Economy and increasing industry competitiveness are of great significance.

In this paper, the author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of test-bed, driving device, dynamometer, its control mode and control method according to the specific requirements of the experiment of measuring the efficiency of the electric drive bridge, and finally establishes an ideal experimental device. In addition, necessary selection and design of various parts and machinery are carried out, and relevant assembly drawings are drawn.

After that, the finite element analysis and optimization design are carried out for the designed test-bed. This paper takes lightweight design as the main idea of optimization design. For a long time, lightweight design is the core content of every enterprise. It can not only reduce the production cost and processing difficulty, but also reduce the production of industrial waste in the production process. On the one hand, it can improve the economic efficiency and enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise. On the other hand, it can follow the principle of "Jinshan Yinshan is green water and green mountain" to ensure the environmental benefit.

In this paper, we use pro/e to model the existing test-bed device, then import the model into ANSYS for relevant finite element analysis, then return to pro/e according to the analysis results to improve the model, and finally return to pro/e for improved detection, and get the final results.

Key words: electric drive bridge; test bed; structural design; finite element analysis; optimal design


摘要 I

abstract II

一、绪论 1

1.1研究的目的和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1国内研究现状 2

1.2.2国外研究现状 2

1.3 论文内容和技术方法 3

1.3.1 论文内容 3

1.3.2 技术方法 3

1.4本章小结 3

二、试验台总成设计 3

2.1试验台的原理 3

2.2试验台类型的选择 4

2.2.1试验台的分类 4

2.2.2开式试验台 4

2.2.3闭式试验台 4

2.2.4开式试验台与闭式试验台的比较 5

2.2.5闭式试验台之间的比较 5

2.3输入设备的选择 6

2.3.1发动机 7

2.3.2电动机 7

2.4加载系统的设计 7

2.4.1水力测功机 7

2.4.2 电涡流式测功机 7

2.4.3 电力测功机 8

2.4.4 三种测功机的比较 8

2.5 交流电力测功机的操控 9

2.6 控制系统的设计 10

2.6.1 电机的变频调控 10

2.6.2 试验台的控制 11

2.7 试验台的布局设计 12

2.8 本章小结 12

三、机械结构设计 13

3.1 电机的设计 13

3.1.1 驱动电机的设计 13

3.1.2 加载电机的设计 14

3.2 扭矩传感器的设定 14

3.3 连接部分的设计 15

3.4支撑结构设计 16

3.5 底座设计 17

3.6 传动轴的设计 17

3.6.1 传动轴的总成设计 17

3.6.2 传动轴轴管的选择 17

3.6.3 伸缩花键的选择 17

3.6.4 万向节的选择 17

3.6.5 万向轴尺寸设计 17

3.6.6 传动轴尺寸设计 18

3.6.7 花键设计 19

3.7 本章小结 20

四、有限元模型的分析和计算 20

4.1 轴管的有限元分析 20

4.1.1 轴管的材料设定 20

4.1.2 轴管有限元模型的建立 20

4.1.3 支架有限元网格的划分 21

4.1.4 轴管的静力学分析 22

4.2 传动轴的有限元分析 25

4.2.1 传动轴有限元模型的建立 25

4.2.2 十字轴的有限元分析 26

4.2.3 凸缘叉的有限元分析 29

4.2.4 轴管的有限元分析 33

五、优化设计 35

5.1 轴管的优化设计 35

5.1.1 轴管的优化设计方案 35

5.1.2 轴管优化设计的再检验 36

5.2 十字轴万向节的优化设计 37

5.2.1 优化方案 37

5.2.2 十字轴万向节优化设计的再检验 37

5.3 凸缘叉的优化设计 38

5.3.1 凸缘叉的优化设计方案 38

5.3.2 凸缘叉优化设计的再检验 38

5.4 轴管的优化设计 40

5.4.1 轴管的优化设计方案 40

5.4.2 轴管优化设计的再检验 40

5.5 本章小结 41

六、总结 41

参考文献 42

致谢 43





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