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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 物联网工程 > 正文


 2021-11-08 21:25:41  

摘 要


本文阐述的是燃气表运行监管系统之通信组件的设计与实现方案以及具体实现过程,通信组件作为绝大部分系统都需要的重要组成部分其作用不言而喻。在本次开发过程中本系统的实现基本上大部分的工作量基于Java,后台数据通信采用的是基于TCP的Socket通信方式,采用自行设计信息交换规范发送解析通信帧,采取多线程的实现方式以处理多个表具的同时连接,高并发地实现实时数据传输;据库部分采用SQL Server;Web部分采用的是CSS HTML JavaScript,对系统的各个功能编写了相应的测试用例,测试结果未出现严重错误,系统功能基本齐全且较为稳定,基本上实现了通信组件功能。

关键词:燃气表;通信组件;SQL Server


Urban construction continues to develop and the scale of the city continues to expand. Gas is regarded as an important energy source in the city. The increasing demand for gas has raised higher requirements for the monitoring and management of gas meters. The high cost is no longer able to meet the increasing demand of the people. Therefore, the implementation of an online gas meter operation supervision system is imperative. Designing and implementing a good gas meter operation supervision system can solve the problems caused by gas in the development of many cities. The problem occurred.

This article describes the design and implementation of the communication component of the gas meter operation supervision system and the specific implementation process. The communication component is an important part that most systems need, and its role is self-evident. In this development process, most of the system's workload is based on Java. The background data communication uses TCP-based Socket communication method. The self-designed information exchange specification is used to send analytical communication frames and multi-threaded implementation. In order to handle the simultaneous connection of multiple meters, real-time data transmission is realized with high concurrency; the database part uses SQL Server; the Web part uses CSS HTML JavaScript, and the corresponding test cases are written for each function of the system. The test results are not a serious error has occurred, the system functions are basically complete and relatively stable, and the functions of communication components are realized.

Key Words:Gas Meter;Communication components;SQL Server

目 录

摘 要 1

Abstract 2

第1章 绪论 5

1.1 研究背景 5

1.2 研究目的与意义 6

1.3 国内外研究现状 6

1.4 课题研究内容 6

第2章 需求分析 8

2.1 燃气表运行监管系统之通信组件简介 8

2.2 燃气表运行监管系统的功能描述 8

2.2.1 基础通信功能 8

2.2.2 通信协议 9

2.2.3 历史数据 9

2.2.4 通信请求添加 9

2.3 非功能性需求 9

第3章 通信组件设计 10

3.1 通信组件总体设计 10

3.2 通信组件数据服务模块设计 11

3.2.1 通信流程设计 11

3.2.2 通信协议设计 11

3.2.3 通信帧的组帧和解析设计 13

3.3 数据库管理界面设计 14

3.4 数据库设计 14

第4章 系统实现 17

4.1 TCP通信服务器实现 17

4.1.1 通信功能实现 17

4.1.2 界面实现 18

4.2 TCP通信客户端实现 18

4.2.1 功能实现 18

4.2.2 界面实现 20

4.3 数据库管理界面实现 20

第5章 系统测试及结果 22

5.1 TCP通信模块功能测试 22

5.2 数据库管理界面功能模块测试 23

第6章 总结与展望 24

参考文献 25

致 谢 26

第1章 绪论


1.1 研究背景

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