2020-02-28 00:31:39
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
human has entered theinformation age with the development of computer multimedia, networktechnologies. people using these advanced technologies can be more convenientand efficient reuse of resources, rapid exchange of information. with the continuous improvement ofscience and technology, the management of school students is a very importantpart of the educational administration and it is the core and foundation of theentire management. due to further expand of the size of the school, the numberof students increased year by year and the management of student situation hasbecome more and more complex. student information management system isthe teaching, educational administration application software. this schoolstudent management system is the educational administration system to summarizethe data, one of the more important link in management, through the upgradingof educational administration system, can be very handy for the school withinthe existing each kind of information do a more intuitive understanding, so asto improve the management efficiency, saving a large amount of manpower and materialresources.
according to the software lifecycle theory to the university educational administration managementsystem is studied. wide-ranging university educational administrationmanagement system, available to system administrators, teachers and students,the school educational administration management system can be divided intoadministrator subsystem, management subsystem of the teachers and student’smanagement system.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
we are not having any past work system. we are designing this projectfor the first time. so we are free to use any technology that we want.
the .net framework is a setof objects and blueprints from net framework architecture microsoft forbuilding applications. the .netframework provides the underlying functionality of asp.net. all applicationsdeveloped under the .net framework including asp.net applications, have certainkey feature that ensure compatibility, security, and stability.
we are going to developed using asp.net using c# usedas front end with sql server-2005 used as back end. the technology adopted hasbasic background database management methods, such as creating a database,creating a table, creating a view, backup and restore a database, etc usingcommon sql statements and ado database access technology. and then using thepowerful programming function of vb or c# to connect to the database to add,modify, delete and query operations.
3. 研究计划与安排
(1)at the end of theseventh semester, determine the design topic.
(2)from the first weekto the fourth week, collect the relevant technical reference and materialsaccording to the selected topic, and complete the thesis proposal, referencetranslation, and literature search.
(3)week 5, install therequired software, configure the system, familiar with the developmentenvironment, be ready for development.
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
注:1.开题报告应根据教师下发的毕业设计(论文)任务书,在教师的指导下由学生独立撰写,在毕业设计开始后三周内完成。 2.“设计的目的及意义”至少800字,“基本内容和技术方案”至少400字。进度安排应尽可能详细。 3.指导教师意见:学生的调研是否充分?基本内容和技术方案是否已明确?是否已经具备开始设计(论文)的条件?能否达到预期的目标?是否同意进入设计(论文)阶段。 |