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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 软件工程 > 正文


 2021-12-02 13:05:56  


摘 要








It has been 13 years since the release of Android system.

At present, Android platform is the mobile operating system with the largest number of users in the world. In this long period of time, Android is becoming more and more mature.

Researchers and programmers from different countries and regions continue to introduce new ideas and new functions, in which different ideas and different functions are also rapidly iterating, presenting to programmers in a lighter and more simplified form.

This topic combines the actual use effect of similar applications in the market, takes lightweight and concise as the development purpose, practical application as the development background, after careful demand analysis, takes Google's official AndroidStudio as the development tool, uses its simulation technology to Android development environment to write an App based on Android system.

This topic studies how to integrate mailbox, address book, memo and voice technology, using the actual technical means of current Android development, each function is designed as a module, each module can communicate but run independently, and has the characteristics of simple operation, friendly interface, practical and flexible, which can realize the daily App requirements of different people in different industries.

This paper mainly studies how to use javamaill to send and receive E_Mail in the application, how to interact with internal data with ListView, RecyclerView, GridView as Model layer, the advantages and disadvantages of different data storage methods of Android, how to convert voice to text and so on.

The research results show that the mailbox sending and receiving function is realized by the combination of javamail and other technologies, SQLite database as a means of data storage, flexible use of Android new technology can better and more simply realize each function module and so on.

The features of this paper: the realization of mailbox function by javamail, the storage of data by SQLite, the realization of suspension window, the conversion of voice input to text, and the new function of Android system.

Key Words:Android; Javamail; official;innovate.......

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究小秘书办公程序的目的和意义 1

1.2国内外的研究现状分析 1

1.3发展趋势分析 2

1.4项目可行性分析 2

第2章 系统环境的搭建 3

2.1系统开发环境 3

2.2系统开发软件的简介 3

2.3 Android开发环境的搭建 3

第3章 系统需求分析与主体架构 4

3.1系统功能需求 4

3.2需求详细分析 4

3.2.1小助手APP的基本控制需求 4

3.2.2备忘录功能的控制需求 6

3.2.3通讯录功能的控制需求 7

3.2.4邮箱功能的控制需求 9

3.2.5语音输入功能的控制需求 11

3.2.6检索功能的控制需求 12

3.3功能需求时序图 13

3.4系能需求 13

3.4.1响应时间 13

3.4.2稳定性 14

3.4.3安全性 14

3.5 项目主体架构 14

3.5.1 libs文件夹 15

3.5.2 src文件夹 15

3.5.3 res文件夹 16

3.5.4 AndroiMinifest.xml 17

3.5.5 build.gradle 18

第4章 数据库设计与实现 19

4.1 SQLite数据库简介 19

4.2数据库表以及字段属性设计 19

4.3数据库E-R图 21

4.4数据库使用 21

第5章 系统功能设计与实现 22

5.1 小助手APP主界面的功能实现 22

5.1.1程序入口界面 22

5.1.2备忘录功能界面 23

5.2小助手APP通讯录功能的实现 25

5.3小助手APP邮箱功能的实现 29

第6章 总结 32

参考文献 33

致谢 34

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究小秘书办公程序的目的和意义


当前两大手机平台中,Android平台手机的占有率极高,时代在发展,技术也在进步,从开始的Android 1.0到Android 10.0,从开始的java开发到Kotlin,Python,不同时间段技术应用不同,技术背景也不同,市面上的办公app是各有所长,百家争鸣,小秘书办公程序app也是有很多类似的项目,但是,不同语言,不同算法,不同交互带给用户的体验也是截然不同,本项目旨在多应用近两年发展的新技术,从而实现更多以前有难度的功能。



1.2 国内外的研究现状分析




1.3 发展趋势分析



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